samedi 26 janvier 2008

Allo docteur ? At 9.30 am ? Ok ....j'arrive


Ben oui ça gratte, ça brûle, ça démange...... Yes it hurts, it itches......

Je vous raconte en rentrant.... I will tell you more when I will be back from the vet.....

30 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Oulahhh Mince!!! Racontes-nous vite! La pauvre! Bisous et bien en pensées avec vous!!!! Tchelo, Stitch et Léo!

Anonyme a dit…

I hope you are ok Faya...


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Gosh Faya, I wonder what it is??? Maybe it's a hotspot. We hope you're ok. We're sending lots of aire-zen to you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

poor faya that looks sore i hope the vet has some special cream to cool and soothe.

thinking of you ludo the cool dude

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh my, what are those red rashes? I hope they're not itching real bad...Hope it will go off soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie a dit…

Ouch! Get better soon, Faya!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Gus a dit…

Faya: We hope the Dr. can help you with your itchy spots. Let us know what the diagnosis is when you have a chance.

Gus and Teka
Two sensitive terriers in AZ.

Maya and Kena a dit…

Ooohh...that looks painful! Hope you're alright Faya!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Snowball a dit…

Poor Faya. I hope that the itch will leave you.


Dandy Duke a dit…

It looks ouchy, Faya! We hope you find out what it is so you can treat it! Let us know, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

Arghhhh pauvre Faya...peut-être es-tu allergique au parfum de Véronique? ;o) Tiens nous au courant. Grosse papouille accompagnée d'une caresse baume calmant. Tiz et Bobrun

Anonyme a dit…

Et alors t'as eu droit à la piqûre d'après ce que j'ai lu...
Ava mieux ????
Dis-nous Faya, c'est passé`???

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Ouch! It sure looks like it hurts!

We hope you're okay, Faya.

Your buddies,

Buster & Sephie

Maya and Kena a dit…

Hello there Faya!
Thanks fur reading our post about Bruno and sending him lots of kisses, we'll bet he needs them...
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Agatha and Archie a dit…

OOhhh Faya that looks itchy.I hope you get a goo cream to help it.Keep us posted.Love A+A

Asta a dit…

Oh My SweetFaya
I'm sending antiitch smoochie kisses what happened..I hope it heals soon
smoochie bisous

Anonyme a dit…

Oh no Faya!!! What did you do???? Keep us posed on what the vet said!

P.S. I saw your message that Véronique will be heading to the post. You both are awesome!!!

Dexter a dit…

Faya - I found your blog through the Zoo Crew. Looks like you have the itchies. Hope you feel better soon. Do you have snow?


Kirby a dit…

Hi Faya,

What did the vet say? I hope you are OK and not so itchy. Let us all know as soon as you can!!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

J'ai pas compris ce que c'était cette histoire de démangeaisons, tu me raconteras tout ça mercredi.Truftrufs et bisous.

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ... mais que t'est-il arrivé ...

Ouh ça n'a vraiment pas l'air cool ...

Comment ça va aujourd'hui ??


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh dear Faya, you're at the vet? I hope you're ok

~ Girl girl

Nounours a dit…

Oh, ma petite Faya, j'espère que ce week-end n'a pas été trop difficile, et qu'après ton passage chez le vétérinaire, tu vas mieux ! Papouilles là où ça ne gratte pas trop...

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hello Faya

How is your itchy spot? Did the Vet give you something to make it go away? Hope you are OK.

Molly and Taffy

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Oh Faya, I hope you're OK!!!!!



Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, what the vet says about your wound? i hope you are feeling better after the vet visit.

wet wet licks


Cassidy a dit…

Oh no Faya. Do you be itchy? me hopes you no get a cone head!!!

Cassidy x

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

Alors ... que s'est-il passé ???


the many Bs a dit…

poor Faya, why are you itching? do you have a hot spot? we hope it gets better fast!


Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

What IS that? I'm glad your post about going to the vet is already up, and I'll run over to see what's going on!

Goober love & healing smooches,
Stanley your brother