mardi 15 janvier 2008

Chouette il y en a encore.... we still have snow !

Prêt ? .... Ready ?

Go ! Go ! Go !

On creuse hop hop !

Dig dig dig !

A mask of snow my friend Taky ! Un masque à la neige....merci Taky pour le tuyau !

19 commentaires:

Asta a dit…

That snow is awe a way of soleil pour moi fow suwe!!!
I love watching you play and youw pictoowe on the top whewe you awe o the sofa is gowgeous..all the boyz will go cwazy!
I hope youw Papa is bettew!
smoochie bisous

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Wah is it cold to put your face in the snow to make the snow mask??

~ Girl girl

Anonyme a dit…

T'as laissé papy tout seul? comment va-t-il ? C'était bon la neige ? ici 3 flocons.

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

Tu en as de la chance ... de retour à Genève ... plus de neige ... alors va falloir attendre le week-end prochain pour la retrouver ... profites-en un peu pour moi ...


Nounours a dit…

J'adore la troisième photo depuis le haut... même si tu sais que la neige, j'aborrhe ! (C'est froid, c'est mouillé, ça fait mal aux pattes, ça fait couler de la truffe, c'est aveuglant quand il y a du soleil, gnourf...)

Bon rétablissement à ton papy ! J'espère qu'il va mieux !

Anonyme a dit…

en plus, le masque à la neige, ça fait le poil tout doux... papouilles...

Anonyme a dit…

Look at you go girl!! That looks like sooooooooooo much fun!!!


Harry a dit…

Tu as de la chance Faya! Je veux jouer dans la neige!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Dandy Duke a dit…

We love digging in the snow too, Faya! The white stuff is so pretty! We wish it would never go away!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…
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jaffeboy a dit…

Snow is sooooo much fun!!! Glad you are still enjoying it!

Gus a dit…

Snow Snow Wonderful Snow
The more she digs
The more she glows

lovely Faya...thank you for sharing

Lenny a dit…

Faya, you are so lucky to have all that snow! And you look beautiful with a snow beard. :)

Your friend, Lenny

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh Faya, you're a good digger! Love that last picture of you...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Thuglets a dit…

Wow Faya..what a lot of snow you got!

Great fun!

Big nose pokes
The Thugletsx

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

You and I MUST be related because we play in the snow exactly the same way. I love planting my face into the snow and dig, dig, digging!!!!

Your snowface is gorgeous!

Goober love & smooches,
Your brother Stanley

The Black and Tans. a dit…


You are just sooooooo lucky. We haven't had any snow, but it is lovely to see you play in it.

Molly and Taffy

Noah the Airedale a dit…

You still have a lot of snow there Faya. We really enjoy all the snow photos.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Maya and Kena a dit…

Those are beautiful pictures Faya!
We've never been in snow, maybe one day..
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena