samedi 26 avril 2008

De retour au jardin....back to the garden !

Un vrai jour de printemps ! It is realy spring now !
Voyez ces magnifiques couleurs ! Look at all those marvelous colors !
Et ça sent bon partout ! And it smells so good !
This is my favorite tree....mon arbre préféré !
And they have reinstalled all the fountains .... Et ils ont remis en service les fontaines !On a même fait un peu de jardinage....we also did some gardening....Je me suis occupée des tulipes....I took care of the tulipes.....heheheDad mowed the grass... L'Homme a tondu le gazon......and now I can have my diner on the grass.....maintenant je peux pic-niquer dans l'herbe....Bon dimanche à tous ! I wish you all a nice Sunday !

23 commentaires:

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Sending you lots of Aire Kisses pretty Faya! Springtime looks lovely in Switzerland!!!


Anonyme a dit…

Hé ben dites donc, ça ne chôme pas du côté de la bas. Nous ici aussi toute la journée dehors et promenade avec 2 chiens, hé oui j'ai eu mon Yaloo un moment, il est chez Louve, demain c'est mon tour.Comment va ta zoreille?Bisous ,bon dimanche et truftrufs.

Dandy Duke a dit…

Your lemon tulips look lovely even though I hate lemons, Faya! hehehehe
It was great chatting with you this morning!

Love ya lots

Thor and Jack a dit…

Beautiful garden,Faya! Keep the good work of gardening! But better to stay away from tulips!
Have a great Sunday!


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Faya the tulips look delicious...bon appetite hee hee.
The grass looks lovely.
It's been lots of fun chatting with you. I've been having the best time.

Hugs and tail wags

Anonyme a dit…

super ce chien bilingue et surtout bravo a la maman

Maya and Kena a dit…

Hi Faya!
Oh wow! That is a beautiful garden!! And the colors are so pretty!
You are such a lucky girl to have such a nice yard!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

BenTheRotti a dit…

what lovely photos!!

It was lovely to meet you at the chat pawty Faya, I will sniff by often :)

Ben xxxx

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…


I missed you at the pawty! I kept checking in to see if you were there...but alas you were not!

Let me know how those tulips taste. They look delicious!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Amber-Mae a dit…

Loverly pictures! What's that you got to eat? I think the grass makes the food taste nicer.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Nounours a dit…

Ah, le soleil, j'en ai aussi beaucoup profité ce week-end ! Dommage que cela n'ait pas duré...

Mais, en me promenant hier, suis tombé sur l'incendie d'un bungalow qui brûlait dans un camping au bord du lac. Ai appris après coup que les occupants voulaient faire un barbecue. Le résultat : leur lapin n'a pas survécu à l'intérieur... même si le lapin grillé c'est certainement très bon, je trouve que c'est un peu triste.

En fait, je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'ai raconté ce fait divers, sans doute la vue de ton casse-croûte... Huhu.

Princess Patches a dit…

Switzerland sure is a beautiful place! We hope you enjoyed your dinner on the grass, Faya! Those yellow tulips are very pretty too.

Poppy & Penny

Deetz a dit…

I just love Spring time. Those are beautiful photos

erin a dit…

Those are some beautiful springtime pictures, Faya!
I have to ask my girl to teach me some french. I already know dog, and english. Well, I can't speak english but I can understand it. The only thing I know in french so far is "Excuse-moi s'il vous plaît" because my girl says that to me all the time when I'm in her way.

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Thetulips look fresh! And having a picnic..ah life is good..Love A+A

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, spring is a really nice time of year, isn't it? your yard looks nice and green. we like the tulips too.


Boo Casanova a dit…


first off i wanna tell u about the rosti mom made last weekend. well, as you suggested, mom use raw potato this time. it was much better. thank you. but i think mom shouldn't put too much butter coz it's too oily.

wow, spring is really there. love all the colourful flowers you are getting. am a bit jealous coz i don't see nice flowers here.

wet wet licks


Anonyme a dit…

Joli Jardin ! tu devrais demander à ta maitresse de venir arranger le mien car il n'est pas aussi joli ! maman a 2 mains gauches et encore moins la main verte :o)
becs et joyeuse semaine !

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Those beautiful flowers in the garden sure is pretty

~ Girl girl

Maya and Kena a dit…

Hi Faya!
Thank you fur coming to my bloggie to wish me a Happy Barkday!! You're so sweet!
And yes, hee hee, it is funny how my hairs have changed color. When I came I had lots of black hairs, and now I'm between blonde and white. But in the books, it says that Cairn Terriers continuously change their fur color. We'll see what comes next!
Wags and licks,

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Nous aimons aussi les tulipes! Une salade idéal pour terriers - nutritifs et croquant!


Persephone et Buster

Asta a dit…

Evewything looks so gowgeous!!!
Youw gawden is magnifique!!!
I wish I could come and have a glace wif you en plein aiwe, hehe
smoochie bisous

Stanley a dit…

I think I would LOVE springtime in Switzerland... especially if I could garden and explore with you, my honorary sissy girl!

You look so sweet sniffing the tulips. What were you eating there? I couldn't tell what it was.

Goober love & smooches,