dimanche 31 août 2008

My last night alone....ma dernière nuit seule....

I wonder if I will be a good sister. I hope I won't hurt Dyos. I wonder how big he is. I always try to be nice with animals smaller than me..... I have so much questions and only one more night to try to find answers.....In a few hours, Véronique and Dad will leave for France and they will return with Dyos....

Voilà...je me demande si je serai une bonne soeur, si je ne vais pas lui faire mal, quel grandeur il aura....Je fais toujours attention aux animaux plus petits que moi.....Encore une nuit pleine de questions et pas de réponses avant lundi soir.....

17 commentaires:

Georgeous a dit…

Ah Faya, you will be the BEST sister ever!! I only hope Dyos's arrival doesn't leave us all out in the yard without you!

Rien n'a de sens sans toi
all is nothing without you,

Je t'adore
I adore you

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, we think you will be a great big sister to Dyos. you can teach him all of the things he needs to know and you two can play together.

we are all looking forward to meeting Dyos and seeing the two of you together.


Taky a dit…

je suis sûr que tu seras une super soeur ... Ne te fais pas trop de soucis et profite de va dernière nuit seule ...
Léchouille et bonne nuit

Asta a dit…

I bet you will be a supewb sissie..I would love being youw sistew..Dyos is a lucky boy..bon voyage to Vewonique and youw Dad..I can't wait to see the two of you togethew
smoochie bisous

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Faya, we agree with everybody else, you will be a lovely sister. You will be able show Dyos how to play and be a good boy for Veronique. Enjoy your last night of peace and quiet!
Please show us some photos of you both together as soon as you can, we cannot wait to see Dyos.
Molly and Taffy

Gus a dit…


You will be the very best sister ever! You will help him learn the rules, and how to get treats. You will play with him, and let him chew on your ears, and you will take the blame for some of the things he does wrong.

I know because you are a very loving and lovely airegirl.


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Don't worry! I am sure you will be the best sister in the world!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke a dit…

OMG, today is the day! We're so glad that we're back so that we don't miss this big event!
We love your new blog header, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daniella a dit…

Wow, we didn't know you were going to get a little brother...how exciting. I'm sure you will love having company. Is Dyos also an Airdale? What does Dyos mean, it is an unusual sounding name. I'm sure you will also come up with a nickname for him...
Enjoy!! We can't wait to see photos of him.


Anonyme a dit…

Mais pas de soucis Faya, ça veut aller....Je te connais, à part les chats !!!!!pour le reste,tu sais comment faut faire.Alors ce soir quand Dyos arrive un wouap wouap de bienvenue tout doux, d'acc ??? truftrufs et bisous.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Don't worry Faya. You're going to be the best sister. We're really excited for you. Dyos is a lucky boy.


Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh Faya, don't doubt yourself. You will be a good big sister! Sometimes we won't know our strengths when we play with smaller dogs, but you will learn soon. Don't worry!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Faya, you'll be a great big sister. Dont worry about it

~ Girl girl

Snowball a dit…

Dun worry, Faya. You will be a wonderful sister. I can't wait to see Dyos's pictures. I am sure you 2 will get along just fine.



Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

You have already been a FABULOUS sissy to me, so I don't see how you can't help but be a very loving and caring big sissy to Dyos! He is going to LOVE YOU, girl!

Don't worry. You'll learn as you go. I think it will be a big adjustment, but you'll be glad he's there. You two are going to get into SO MUCH trouble together. I can't wait to see!

Goober love & smooches,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Faya...you will be a fab big sissy....JUST DON'T LOSE CONTROL!!!

These boyz have to constantly be supervised....or they will try and take over!!!

We can't wait to see pics of Dyos playin' with ya Faya...get some rest now...cuz you won't as soon as he gets here!!!!!

Barkies and love and kissies...

Anonyme a dit…

You are going to be a GREAT sister! It took me a few days to warm up to Cornelia Marie, but I finally decided she was really cool and fun to play with!!! We can't wait.