lundi 19 mai 2008

Meet my new neighbors...voici mes nouveaux voisins....

Ce matin je suis parti rencontrer mes nouveaux voisins. This morning I was ready to meet our new neighbors.....
Look at this cute little scottish cow.....she is 10 days old....
Regardez cette petite vache écossaise....elle a 10 jours.....
Là elle est avec ses parents...there she is with her parents....

....and here are some pigs....Véronique loves those pigs (don't ask me why...)....
Et voici quelques petits cochons que Véronique adore (ne me demandez pas pourquoi...)...They are so lucky....they can have lots and lots of mud baths...les veinards, ils peuvent prendre autant de bains de boue qu'ils veulent !Et encore un mouton....and a sheep....
J'aime bien allé leur dire un petit bonjour le matin....I like to visit them.....

14 commentaires:

Gus a dit…

my Faya...we did not know you had such interesting neighbors. We are a bit jealous of the piggies..when we have a mud roll, muzzer gives us a bath. seems a bit unfair to us. Be careful of the little cow pup, we bet his mom and dad might get angry if you decided to play with him


Dandy Duke a dit…

Our mom is nutty about pigs too! She says there's something about those cute faces! What's cute about a pig's face?! Crazy moms!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

je crois qu'on va venir faire un tour par chez toi faya ! tes voisins m'on l'air fort sympatiques ! becs Jack

Princess Patches a dit…

Faya, that little cow pup is really cute! We like the white ring around it's belly. Watch out for the daddy...we hear they can be really mean!

Poppy & Penny

Daniella a dit…

You are so lucky to have such cool neighbors Faya.
Thank you so much for the generous and delish gift that arrived today from Switzerland. I will have pics on my blog soon. Thanks you beaucoup, it was a joy to behold. I plan on eating one of those bones later tonight. I just hid it under Dad's pillow to retrieve shortly. My theory is bones always taste better after they are hidden for a while.
Lots of love and thanks, and to your Mom,
Ax and his Mom

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Nous aimons aussi les cochons...nous ne comprends pas pourquoi. Ils sont si mignons.

As-tu vu le film, "Babe?" C'est l'histoire d'un petit cochon qui gagne un concours de mouton-rassemblement en Yorkshire en parlant aux cochons.


Sephie et Buster

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Sure you have very interesting neighbors!
Yes, piggies are so lucky having all that mud to have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy a dit…

w00f's Faya. dat little cow iz sooo cute...and heehee me wood luv to roll around in da mud like dat...but, all they wood do iz make me take a baff...

b safe,
~rocky and company~

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

Faya! Your package should arrive in 5 to 7 days! Do you know what this means you will get to practice box opening skills for the International goody exchange!

I'm so excited! I can't wait for you to see the awesomeness. I tried to get you some pretty things, since you are such a pretty girl! Heheeh

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Those animals don't look like they'd be much good at bitey face.

Simba x

Snowball a dit…

You have some really pawsome neighbours, Faya.

I would have thought that you are staying in a farm too. Did you get to join the pigs in the mud bath?


Deetz a dit…

Those cows look like BIG OREO cookies...I love those!!!

Cassidy a dit…

You has lots of neighbours! I am jealous of their mud baths.

Cassidy x

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh that baby cow is so cyte!! You have great neighbors! Love A+A