samedi 24 mai 2008

A new award !

Thank you Thor for this nice award !Besides this beautiful surprise, nothing special to report.....

I did this.....and this.....and this......Do I have to specify it was a rainy day ?

12 commentaires:

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

Good job Faya! And yeah Sardines are amazing!!

puppy breath,

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Congratulations on your award!
You are very creative during a rainy day!
Kisses and hugs

Gus a dit…

Ooh Faya...muzzer says you look like like you are doing Yoga stretches. Good thing to do on a rainy day.


Dandy Duke a dit…

Congratulations on your award, Faya! We love your new header picture!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Hello Faya, it's Willow here.
Congrats on your award.
Rainy days are boring but at least you got to do some serious resting.
I was playing with my pinky piggy today. D gave it to me because I was with Noah in my pen and he doesn't wreck anything. Anyway Tess came out and she put a hole in my poor piggy. She is mean!!

Hugs and tail wags

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Well deserved pretty girl :)


Amber-Mae a dit…

Roaching & snoozing on a rainy day is the best!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

What a cool award!!!! Ah, rainy can use the whole day just for pampering!!!!

We posted pix of our special Swiss package from you Sweet Girl!!! Thank you soooooooo much...Mumsie loves the pigs...especially if she's trying to nap!!!

Your the best!!!!

Oinky barks,

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Well what else can you do on a rainy day! For once we are having nice weather! Come here and play with us! Love A+A

Georgeous a dit…

Hey Faya - Goodie Exchange Buddy!
I like your rainy day style, it's much like my everyday style, I do Yoga too.
My skin Dad is on the computer that is configured to my outlook email. I'll send my address over later today....
waggy tail

Thor and Jack a dit…

Hi Faya,
Taking naps is the best option for rainy days!

Love licks

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

I wonder what snails taste like? Its been raining here too, boring.

Simba x