jeudi 18 octobre 2007

C'est bon d'avoir des amies ! It is so nice to have friends !

Regardez, je suis de nouveau gâtée. Dans la maison je suis celle qui reçoit le plus de paquets....
Look how lucky I am. I am the one in the house who receives the most gifts....
Celui-ci vient de Singapore....oui oui de mon amie Snowball. This one comes from Singapore...from my friend Snowball !
Look at this lovely card she made extra for me ... regardez la jolie carte qu'elle a faite pour moi ..
And the lion is for me .... et le lion est pour moi... c'est le symbole de Singapore. Dedans il y a aussi plein de bonnes choses pour mes humains... inside the box there is also a lot of good things for my humans...
Thank you so much my friends Snowball and jie jie.... Merci mes amis Snowball et jie jie....

13 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Oui c'est bon des amis..
moi je recommence un peu a faire des commentaires dans la bleugosphère..
Et toi ? Contente de se nouveau site ? L’Admin se gère facilement comparé a bleublog c’est plus confortable ? Enfin je me pose des questions tu vois..
N’oublie pas de recycler les papiers et cartons de tous tes emballages cadeaux, et a bientôt,
papouilles d’Atome.

Duke a dit…

That was super nice of Snowball to send such nice gifts!

Love ya lots

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

Snowball is so sweet to send you a prezzie! Be on the lookout. A little something from GooberStan is on its way to you.

Lots of goober love and smooches,
Your brother Stanley

Gus a dit…

Great presents from Snowball. We sure have a good group at DWB.

Anonyme a dit…

Eh!ben Faya te voilà à nouveau copine avec le facteur.C'est vraiment ton copain.Mais bon quand on est une vedette c'est comme ça.Adresse futur..Faya Bienne et tu verras,que ça arrivera. Un jour pour rigoler on fera l'essai hihihi.Trufouilles et bisous.

Harry a dit…

What a lucky girl you are Faya!

Ma says she adores the photo of Oscar withhis angel wings.

Bon weekend!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Taky a dit…

Eh ben dis donc Faya ... tu es gâtée ... il a l'air cool ton lion ....

Allez ... passe un bon week-end et à tout bientôt

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow Faya, are you really the one who receives the most gifts? You are a lucky dale. It is nice to have maties. Hope you enjoy the weekend.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Snowball a dit…

Hi Faya,

I am glad that the parcel has reach you safely. It actually reach you sooner that I expected it to.

Please tell Veronique that she can check with jie jie if she is unsure how to use any of the meal kit. I am sure you will get to taste the food after Veronique has cooked it.



Amber-Mae a dit…

Wow! That's sooo nice of Snowball... That lion stuffy looks fun to murder. Hope you will murder it nicely like what you did to that poor rat.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta a dit…

Snowball is a sweet fwiend..I love to see you happy and getting pwezzies..that lion looks like fun to play with
bonne weekend!
gwos bisous

Juno a dit…

Faya Girl!! That's very kind of Snowball to send you great pressie.. :)
Thank you for your barkday wishes to my mom, Faya! You made her day!

Have a great weekend!

Miriam a dit…

Hey Faya,
that's a pretty lion indeed. I adore your pretty and thoughtful Airedale look! ;-)