dimanche 23 décembre 2007

Joyeux Noël à tous....Merry Christmas !

Christmas at Nelly, Roro and Louve today...... I received a gift from my darling Chaton..... Noël chez Nelly, Roro et Louve aujourd'hui....Chaton m'a offert un cadeau.....

He knows exactly what makes me happy.... Il connait mes goûts.....

I received a calendar with cats for my "how-to-love-a-cat-when-you-are-a-dog-therapy"...Il m'a offert un calendrier chats pour ma thérapie "comment-aimer-un-chat-quand-on-est-un-chien"...

Et j'ai un peu fait le clown aussi....I also made the clown....as usual...comme d'habitude quoi....

And Véronique took the picture for my blog to wish you all Merry Christmas ! Et Véronique en a profité pour prendre une photo pour mon blog afin de vous souhaiter à tous un Joyeux Noël !

And this is for you....Et voici pour vous.....

22 commentaires:

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

You are very lucky. Can't wait to open my pressies.
Love the outfit.
Cool Dude Ludo

Putter a dit…




Putter ...:)

Asta a dit…

Ma FayaJOYEUX NOEAL TO YOU AND youw Familie!!!
You look wondewful in you Santa wobes!!! You awe bpootiful!
Thank you fow the Petit Papa Noel song and video..I wish I was in a wawm house with you sowwounded by all that snow..and we could go play and then come in to the wawmth and eat and snooze///ahhhhh!
I'll be thinking of you Chwissmuss EVE! If I don't talk to you befowe ..I love you , thank you fow being my fwiend
smoochie bisous

Dandy Duke a dit…

What a darling outfit, Faya! Merry Christmas to you and Veronique! We hope Santa is good to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball a dit…

Nice pressie. you are a very lucky girl to have friends to be sending you pressies.

Merry Christmas.


Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

Special Christmas goober smooches and hugs to you and your Gooberique! You are, by far, the most bootiful santa paws I have ever seen.

I wish the same thing as Asta - that we could play together in the snow and then go inside and eat and wrassle and snuggle up for a good sleep!

Enjoy your Christmas!

Goober love,
Your brother Stanley

Gus a dit…

Merry Merry Christmas Faya. We love the new picture of you in your santa suit. And we enjoyed listening to the Carol, though muzzer needs about three more years of French before she can help me with the doggy version. Kissies to all, Feliz Navidad.

Anonyme a dit…

Comme tu es belle en père Noel.C'est notre Faya internationale.Quelle belle journée on a passé hier.Tu en a eu des caresses!!!Combien de mains ça faisait en tout ? Truftrufs et bisous.

jaffeboy a dit…

Hey Faya, we want to wish you a very blessed christmas & a pawsome new year!!!

tchin tchin

Jaffe & Kaylie

Amber-Mae a dit…

What a nice pressie from your friend! Are those Pedigree dry kibbles or treats? I like pedigree food!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Oh Faya, you look wonderful in your Christmas outfit.
Have a merry Christmas and enjoy your pressies.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Harry a dit…

Joyeux Noel a tous chez toi Faya!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Joyeaux Noel Faya!!!!1 Merry Christmas to you and all your family! Love A+A

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Have a wonderful Christmas, Faya and Veronique!

lots of love

Kirby a dit…

Merry Christmas Faya! You are an adorable Santa Paws!! I hope you got lots and lots of prezzies!!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

Joyeux Noël tite Faya... papouilles...

Anonyme a dit…

Au voleur ! tu devrais aller voir ça...

Anonyme a dit…

Joyeux noël Faya !
c'est dommage je ne peux plus mettre mes ptites animations ici..
Tu est légitimement gâtée cette année comme le serons les prochaines..
Bons voeux à toi, ta véronique et tous tes proches !

Persephone and Buster a dit…


Joyeux Noel!

Nous n'aimons pas des chats non plus. Trêve de Noël, peut-être...

We love your photos!

Persephone & Buster

Lillie Valentine a dit…

You look so cute in your little outfit! Have a wonderful Christmas! I hope Santa paws came to your house! The kids here made a haul!! (sorry, that means they got a LOT of presents).

Anonyme a dit…

Ai rigolé quand j'ai vu la nouvelle photo, en dessus c'est marqueé la vie TREPIDANTE.... alors quoi !!!on est bien sur le canapé ? bisous et truftrufs.

Asta a dit…

My Sweet Faya
You awe wight nothing is as good as being with those you love and wawmtha dn good food ..I hope youw Chwissmuss was full of all this and mowe and thank you fow youw Fwiendship this yeaw! It made my Chwissmuss even mowe bootiful!
smooochie bisous