lundi 10 décembre 2007

Snow = neige

Ma promenade du lundi avec Zabou. My monday walkie with Zabou.

Yes it was snowing ! Oui il neigeait !

J'adore les paysages sous la neige. It is so quiet when it is snowing. Pas de bruit. No noise.

Encore plus de neige....more snow !

Snow is fun ! La neige c'est génial !

envoyé par Foxfamilly

envoyé par Foxfamilly

23 commentaires:

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

Hi Faya we have not met yet but Ludo.
I'd loved to be your friend.
The pictures of the snow chill me to the bone. Hope we get snow for xmas in Germany.

Perhaps you could come over to my blog too.


Anonyme a dit…

WOW WOW WOW!!! that snow looks soooo fun!

Anonyme a dit…

Vous avez vraiment une neige magnifique, mais aussi le paysage qui va avec !
Non en vill j'tassure c'est crade la neige.. Amuse toi bien ;-)

Gus a dit…

Oh the snow is beautiful! And you are beautiful. And you are such an industrious digger. And Zabou looks like a lot of fun. And I miss snooooowwwww!


Dandy Duke a dit…

We are so jealous!
Wow! You got hammered! How lucky you are, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball a dit…

Wow... thats a lot of snow! You and your friends are really having loads of fun.

The snow is so white. If I were to be there, I will be able to blend into the snowy background very well. Dun you think so?


Boo Casanova a dit…


snow i love snow... wait, i haven't seen snow in my life yet! :(

faya, i don't mean you to send the picture of federer to me. i was just kidding. i was teasing you asking you to send roger to me! LOL no no, i don't want his picture. i can get his picture here too.

wet wet licks


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh Faya! How beautifull!! How we wish we could come play with you!! You are a GREAT digger!!!!! and you look like you are having such a nice visit with your friend!!!!! Love A+A

Par a dit…

Wow, you got so much snow.
It haven't snow that much in my area yet.
I am kind of looking forward to it and kind of not.

Anonyme a dit…

La neige est aussi blanche que le petit nuage qui va accueillir mon Charly.Toute mes visites l'appréciaient, il était un chat unique. Il va nous manquer maintenant, lui qui venait se promener avec nous et Tsoukette.Il voulait tellement faire ami-ami avec toi ma Faya,tu te rapelles?

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

C'est cool la neige ... à Genève il n'y en a pas encore ... mais vivement ce week-end que je rentre en Valais pour voir la neige ...



Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow Faya, we've never seen anything like that before. All that snow is wonderful and you look like you're having the best time with Zabou. You're a lucky girl.

Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Amber-Mae a dit…

Woh, the sky & everything is sooo white! Must be terribly freezing there huh? I wanna be there now!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

Coucou, c'est féerique, magique. La neige me manque, je ne pense pas qu'on en aura cette année à Genève...pffft. Je souhaite ujne douce soirée, une douce soirée pour toi jolie Faya. ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

Heu... me suis encore trompée, suis pas venue en anonyme mais en visite amicale. Tiziana ;o))

Asta a dit…


You neige is magnifique!!! Im so jelly..all we have is gwey pluis...
i want to win the lottewy and come visit in bootiful Suisse
and give you big smoochie bisous!

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Wow--Beaucoup de neige!

Faya, you certainly know how to dig! It's an art.

We're expecting a big snowstorm this Thursday in Connecticut. Hope it's as pretty as yours!

Persephone & Buster

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Woh, is it very cold when it snows? It sure look very fun to be playing in snow

~ Girl girl

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hi Faya

That looks like a winter Wonderland. Oh how we wish we could run and dig in thick snow like that.

Have lots of fun with your friend.

Molly and Taffy

jaffeboy a dit…

Wheee!!!! So much snow!!! It is so nice!!!

Can't wait for Papa & Mama to bring me to Toronto, Canada.

Faya, can Mama send an email to your mommy to ask about some prices of bags in France?

Lacey a dit…

The snow looks very beautiful but very cold! Thank you for the card you sent. You look very cute holding Santa.
Comet and BLU

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

That is so beautiful! Such big snow, too. Perfect for digging holes in, I see.

I wish I could come and play with you, Faya!


Stanley a dit…

WooHoo!!! Sissy, Faya!

Now, THAT is some good snow!! My girl says it used to snow like that where she lived as a little girl. She misses it. We only have a puny 1 inch of snow on the ground.

You and Zabou are having the BEST time. I want to jump through the screen and start running around with you like a maniac! What were you digging for in that last video?

Goober love & smooches,
Stanley (your brother)