mardi 29 janvier 2008

Ca va mieux ! I feel better....

Hello !

I feel much better. Saturday I had an injection and I have meds for 5 days. My nose is still bigger than normal with a lot of crusts on it. But it is not itchy anymore.
Vet said it is an allergy (I hope mom won't have to pay to much for this diagnostic……!!!???!!!!). Thank you all for your wishes.....


Ca va mieux..... mon museau est encore enflé mais ça ne gratte plus malgré les croûtes. J'ai eu une piqûre samedi et des médicaments pour 5 jours. Le véto a dit que j'ai fait une allérgie. J'espère que Véronique ne va pas payer trop cher pour ce diagnostique ! Allergique à quoi ? Mystère..... Merci pour vos voeux et papouilles à tous.

PS : maybe one day I will show you my nose again....peut-être qu'un jour je vous remontrerai ma truffouille.....

17 commentaires:

Lenny a dit…

Oh, Faya, feel better soon! Allergies are no fun.

Your friend, Lenny

Lenny a dit…

Oh no, maybe my nose is allergic too!!!

Asta a dit…

Faya my Sweet

I will continue to send healing smoochie kisses fow you!! I wish I could be thewe to cheew you up..get well soon my sweet fwiend

gros bisous pour you w nosey!

Cassidy a dit…

Je suis content que tu vas mieux Faya!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Anonyme a dit…

Oh Faya... I am glad you got some meds and are on the road to recovery. We have been thinking about woo ;)

Dandy Duke a dit…

We're so glad you're feeling better, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

Ah ravie que tu ailles mieux petite Faya...
Heu, je n'arrive pas à ouvrir le dossier envoyé concernant les fonds d'écran...sic. Papouilles. Bise à Véronique et à l'homme. ;o)

Agatha and Archie a dit…

We are glad you are feeling better! Maybe we all need to go get jobs to help out with all our Vet bills!!! Love A+A

Kirby a dit…


I'm so sorry that you have an allergy. Hopefully your meds will help you. I hope you feel better really really soon!

Your pal,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie a dit…

Get better soon, Faya. We want to see your lovely face ... nose and all!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh gosh, your nose's got crusts too? I hope it will heal soon. Good to hear you're much better today!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

Sorry about the Al Urgee! He is a menace, and I hate when he comes to visit me. I hope you get everything cleared up soon and have NO MORE ITching!

Goober love & smooches,

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

I hope your nose wont be itchy anymore. Get well soon

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Bonjour Faya,
We are so glad you're feeling better. We hope the allergy goes away forever.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, what are you looking in the pic? hope you will fully recover quick.

wet wet licks


Maya and Kena a dit…

Hey Faya!
Are we glad that you are ok!! We hope you feel better soon!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Thanks fur the comment on our post about Bruno. We are really happy to hear the good news as well!

The Thuglets a dit…

Oh Faya..we are behind in blogging and are so sorry to hear you had an allergy..hopefully you are all mended now!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets