jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Miam miam .....Yummy yummy ...

Enfin ! Véronique a sorti l'appareil à croissants reçu pour Noël de Tata Pascale..... Finally Véronique decided to use this ....... (a Christmas gift from Tata Pascale)....





5) (I just wanted to be sure if it was good enough...) pour être certaine que c'est assez bon....


11)12) This one is for me !!!!!Celui-ci c'est le mien à moi personnellement.... Na !

Tomorrow we will try to do some with marmelade and mascarpone ! Demain on essaie à la confiture et mascarpone !

26 commentaires:

The Black and Tans. a dit…

OOOh they look so yummy Faya. As you helped we think you deserved more than one!

Molly and Taffy

Cassidy a dit…

Miam miam! Delicieux!

Cassidy x

Dandy Duke a dit…

Oh my gosh! We are drooling! That looks so tasty ever and so fancy too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maya and Kena a dit…

That looks DELICIOUS!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie a dit…

Those look yummy and delicious and wonderful! We are glad you got one too.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Nous pouvons sentir ces croissants en Connecticut! Pouvez-vous en sauver deux pour nous ?

Sephie & Buster

Gus a dit…

We agree with the yummy assessment. And they look lovely too.


Anonyme a dit…

zarive, zarive, y manque plus que l'odeur !!!comme ça doit être bon tout ça....truftruf et bisous.

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Woh that looks very yummy.. How long will it take you to finish all?

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae a dit…

Woah, what are those? They look sooo delicious! You're sooo lucky to get to eat one. Gonna ask mommy to try & make some too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

miam miam miam ça a l'air effectivement délicieux... papouilles...

Noah the Airedale a dit…

OH YUM we love to cook with pastry Faya. That looks like a great idea. We're going to try it out.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

Those pastries look mighty tasty! You and your Gooberique are whizes in the kitchen. I can almost taste them.

By the way, I LOVE the new header photo you have at the top of your blog page. It looks like you did all of that graffiti and then decided to lay down for a rest.

Goober love,

Anonyme a dit…

mmmmmmmmmmmm je me réjouit !
c'est pour nous ce soir ???

bon ben on verra surprise !!

à toute la famille bouledepoil !!

Princess Patches a dit…

Faya, those look sooooo yummy! We hope you get lots of them!

Poppy & Penny

Lenny a dit…

Those look delicious! What a neat gadget!

Faya, I would love to come to Switzerland and escape! I want to see the Alps!

Your friend, Lenny

Anonyme a dit…

Wow they look amazingly tasty!!!


jaffeboy a dit…

Glad you are better now! Oh, those yummies sure look yummy!!!

Agatha and Archie a dit…

WOW does that look good!!!!! Love A+A

Boo Casanova a dit…

hey faya, what exactly is that?

wet wet licks


Asta a dit…

What a wondewful pwesent fwom youw Tata..that looks supew yummielicious!!!
I know nothing about amewican football eithew..I just went to sse my fwiendz and pawty,hehe
smoochie bisous,Asta

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Oh my dogness, they look pawsome! Did you get seconds? J x

Par a dit…

oh wow, that looks good, even I want to eat it...hehe

Taky a dit…

Kikou ... là c'est la Pat qui est bien intéressée ... c'était comment les croissants confiture-mascarpone ???


Anonyme a dit…

Mmmmhhh on se recommande à Véronique pour une prochaine visite
Slurppp miam...

Anonyme a dit…

voilà tout un beau programe d'articles bonne fin de soiré bise Amicalement a bientôt!