dimanche 13 janvier 2008

Mon Papy est malade.....my dady is ill....

La grippe arrive..... The flu is coming......poor Dady.....mon pauvre papy.... I have to watch over him.....je dois veiller sur lui...

25 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Heureusement que la grippe humaine ne se transmet pas aux airedales :-)

Dandy Duke a dit…

We hope your dad feels better soon, Faya! Take really good care of him, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus a dit…

Take good care of your Dad, Faya, and make sure he gets plenty of rest, drinks lots of water, and stays nice and warm. Looks to us like you've got all of that covered, so just be patient.

gus and teka

ps...dads take longer than muzzers to get well. It's a documented fact.

Maya and Kena a dit…

Oh no, the flu stinks!
Take good care of him Faya! We hope he gets better soon!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Anonyme a dit…

OH, le pauvre! Je compatis avec ton Papy alors, je viens d'aller faire 3 courses et à manger pour ma môman qui est au fond du lit... Heureusement que le temps d'incubation est passé ;O) Gros bisous réparateurs de nous trois à ton Papy et gros bisous de soutien moral à toi et à Véro ;O) (oui, on le sait tous, quand un homme est malade...) héhé! ;O) Câlious poilus

Noah the Airedale a dit…

We hope your dad gets better very soon Faya. We know you'll take very good care of him.

Hugs and tail wags,
Willow Tess & Lucy
Noah is at the vet so we are blogging for him.

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Le meilleur traitement pour la grippe est une langue chaude de chien sur la joue!

Persephone & Buster

Kirby a dit…

Faya, you are such a good dog, taking care of your Dad. I recommend you both get lots of rest and soon he'll be up and about ready to play with you!

Your pal,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Faya...Asta up over and down under are nursies and I'm one in training...if you need us to come and offer expert nursing care...call...it looks like you have the situation completely in ur capable Dale paws, however!!!

Kissies to ya...


Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

You look like you're one amazing nursey Dale. I'm also sending some healing goober smooches his way. Between us and all the good vibes every other dog is sending, I hope he'll be feeling better very soon!

Goober love,
Your Brother Stanley

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Take good care of him Dr Faya!!!Love A+A

Snowball a dit…

I hope your dad gets well soon. You are such a good dogter to be taking such good care of him while he is ill.

Luv and kisses.

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Aw Faya, take good care of your dad!!!!!


Asta a dit…

Take vewy good cawe of youw Papa..I'm suwe with you nuwsing him he'll be well in no time at all..does he have the "gwippe"??
healing smoochie kisses to him

Anonyme a dit…

Qu'elle est gentille cette Faya !!!ou comment finter pour faire croire à ce papy tout malade qu'on veut lui tenir la conversation ?

the many Bs a dit…

oh Faya, you are such a good girl to watch over your daddy. give him some extra special care, okay.


Anonyme a dit…

Rhoooo ben ma Faya... tu es vraiment la meilleure infirmière que je connaisse, tu veux que je t'offre la tite coiffe et la blouse blanche ???

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh you take good care of your daddy ok Faya

~ Girl girl

Harry a dit…

Le pauvre papy! Tu es une bonne infermiere Faya!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Anonyme a dit…

Je suis sûre qu'avec toi veillant sur lui, ton papa va très vite se remettre de sa grippe... papouilles...

Anonyme a dit…

Prends bien soin de ton Papy...
Les crobes sont méchants, y m'ont plaqué au lit du 19 décembre au 10 janvier. Alors Papy a besoin de ton soutien...

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh my... I hope your poor daddy will get well soon Faya.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lenny a dit…

Take good care of your Daddy, Faya! I hope he feels better soon.

Your friend, Lenny

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hope you are feeling much better now Faya's Daddy!

Molly and Taffy

Anonyme a dit…

Merci à vous deux pour votre passage sur mes terres...
je vous embrasse toute les deux et vous souhaite un bon weekend,
je souhaite aussi à Papy un prompt rétablissement !