mercredi 27 février 2008

Award, spring, printemps, et bully stick !

Do you think I'm funky ? Vous me trouvez funky ? Agatha et Archie eux oui ! Agatha & Archie do ! Wooohooo look ..... voyez.....

Thank you my friends ! Merci les amis !

I have read that some of you are looking for the spring.... j'ai lu que certains d'entre vous cherchaient le printemps.... et bien il est là dans mon is here in my garden....

To celebrate this (award & spring...) Véronique gave me a small bully stick..... pour fêter tout ça (l'award et le printemps...) Véronique m'a offert un petit bully stick.....

The life is vie est belle..... non ?

14 commentaires:

Cassidy a dit…

That be a BIG bully stick! Did you eat it all up?

Cassidy x

Anonyme a dit…

WHOA - that is some great looking bully stick Faya - enjoy :)


Anonyme a dit…

waaah le beau nerf de boeuf !! miam miam miam !! papouilles gourmandes...

Snowball a dit…

Do you call that bully stick "little"?

Those are very beautiful pictures that show signs that spring is coming. Its getting really hot over here in Singapore.


Anonyme a dit…

Hello, hello !

Je suis tes aventures tous les jours depuis bientôt 4 mois.

T'es trop géniale.....

Moi c'est Phebee la copine de Taky.

Régale toi.......


Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh, Spring is just around the corner & the flowers are beginning to grow again. Oooo, bully stick! YUM!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke a dit…

Did you finish that bully stick yet, Faya?
Your flowers look so pretty and so SPRING! Mom is very jealous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches a dit…

Very pretty flowers in your garden! Your Bully Stick is making us drool! We hope you had a fun time chewing on it!

Poppy & Penny

Asta a dit…

Life is bootiful! especially at youw house!
Those flowews awe so lovely and a hooge buly stidk to celebwate! Vewonique is the BEST!
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

That is a big bully stick. How long will it take you to finish it?

~ Girl girl

BrandytheGreat a dit…

hi there Faya! I like your bloggy!
BrandytheGreat and Gang.

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Guess what??We got SNOW yesterday and today!! ZUT !!!!!!!Love A+A

Anonyme a dit…

Il est magnifique le printemps de ton jardin ! et c'est quand même mieux que la neige hein !!
Bonnes bises dominicale d'Atome ;-)

Anonyme a dit…

Bonne journée a vous tous et un bisous pour cette jounée A bientôt!