jeudi 17 avril 2008

Bonjour ! I am back !

Les installateurs ont fait du bon travail. Tout fonctionne. The men from our new provider did a great job and now everything is doing fine (no surprises until now....). Let's see what I did these past few days. Voyons voire ce que j'ai fait ces derniers jours....

I had a nap on the bed.....j'ai fait une sieste sur le lit....
J'ai fait du jardinage......I made some gardening...
J'ai admiré le cerisier.......I admired the cherry tree.
I admired the beautiful flowers.....j'ai admiré les belles fleurs....
J'ai mangé une oreille de cochon..... I ate a pig ear.... miam miam...
J'ai refait du jardinage..... I made more gardening.....
I ate all my vegetables..... j'ai mangé tous mes légumes.....J'ai trouvé un nouveau copain.....
I found a new friend.....
J'ai mangé de la glace....
I ate some ice-cream.....
Vanilla .....
à la vanille.... miam miam....

18 commentaires:

Deetz a dit…

I like your new friend...he looks kinda fragile though, so be careful playing with him or her...I love ice cream, and I tried Yogurt the other day, and it was yummy. My mum loves flowers, and gardening, you and her would get along wonderfully.

Amber-Mae a dit…

You've been busy!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Nous aimons le jardinage aussi! L'automne dernier, nous avons commencé à creuser un trou à l'Australie pour visiter Noah. Le travail continue!


Persephone et Buster

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Goodness you've been doing so many different things Faya. The ice-cream looks the best. Nice gardening job too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…


Your gardening looks a lot like mine! I have like 3 rocks covering my gardening spots too! I think my human puts the rocks there so she can mark those spots as completed! Then I get to move onto another gardening spot.

I'm suprised you didn't taste your new friend, I would have for sure, maybe even accidently eaten him. Who knows!

You're lucky to get ice cream. I get something called Frosty Paws...and I think it's delish!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Looks like you've been very busy.
That ice cream must be yummy

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke a dit…

Mitch eats worms! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Good thing he doesn't live with you or your new friend would be history! hehehehe
You do one heck of a job gardening, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Hi Hi again ms.Faya...would you care to share the ice cream with moi???
glad you're back...uh about your little "friend"....don't let him on the sidewalk. :O/

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

Tu en as fait des choses pendant tout ce temps ...

Pour le jardinage ... j'ai fait la même chose dans les geranium de la maman à la Pat ... mais elle n'était pas contente du tout ...

Grosse léchouille

Nounours a dit…

Dis donc, il y en a qui ne s'ennuient pas, par ici ! Je noterais en passant que tu fais très bien le jardinage, huhu.

Gus a dit…

Welcome looks like you made excellent use of your time away. Muzzer says you can come to Mayemphiiisss and help her garden any time.


Deetz a dit…

You have a great weekend too, talk to you next week.

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Your new friend doesn't look like much fun! J x

Snowball a dit…

Life seems good for you. You did a good job at the gardening.


Anonyme a dit…

Le ver de terre, la glace, heu!!!si tu veux pour la glace d'acc. mais la viande je te laisse.Pour les trufouilles passe à la page suivante.

The Thuglets a dit… have been busy. The gardening work appeals very much to us!lol

Ice cream....oooooooh we would like some ice cream.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets x

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Wow you were busy!!We missed you!!! But we can see that you had a LOT of stuff to do!! Love A+A

Stanley a dit…


Isn't that the same friend you made last summer? Is he back? Where did he go all winter?

I'm surprised you have time to blog, you're such a busy girl! Your veggies looked suspiciously like meatables with a few veggies mixed in. Mmmmm. Mmmmm.

Goober love & smooches,