vendredi 6 juin 2008

M. Beasley, you saved my day...vous avez sauvé ma journée...

It was a rainy day, and I was pleuvait et je n'ennuyais....Jusqu'à ce que Véronique rentre à la maison....until Véronique went home....avec ça....with THIS :It is from Mr. Beasley ! He sent this to me weeks ago.....Il me l'a envoyé il y a des lustres.....On dirait qu'il y a quelque chose de vivant...It looks like there is something "alive" in it.....Ohhhhhhh iiiiiihhhhhh look ..... Ok...this is mine now ok ? Bon c'est à moi d'accord ?
And waouw look at this beautiful collar ! With a ring (with a diamond....hum...oups....hum)(Véronique : ouhhhh elle est amoureuse....hahaha she is in love....ohhh)Véronique you are not funny.....c'est pas drôle...Instead of saying silly things give me that stick lieu de dire des bêtises donne-moi ce bully stick....Oui oui celui-ci....yes this one.... Wooohooo and those cookies ces cookies....Rhôôôôô......Rhââââââ......Why don't we have those cookies here in Switzerland ? Pourquoi on a pas de cookies ici en Suisse ?

I am soooo happy Beasley...thank you soooooo much.....Merci Monsieur Beasley....

18 commentaires:

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

FAYA!!!! YAY!!! I'm so excited that it finally arrived! The UPS people said it was stuck in Britain! Woohoo!!!

I have the same hedge hog thing that looks alive, but mines a boy. He doesn't have pink eyes and eyelashes.

I almost ate the cookies I sent, until my human showed me some other cookie...and when I turned around, your cookies were gone, and now you have them, hmmmmmm...

The squeeks two different kinds of squeeks. Veronique would probably like it if your serenaded her with the sounds at about 3 am. I know my human does. Hehehehe!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Lacy a dit…

w00f's Faya, wow, Mr T shure sends nice stuffs...dat hedge hog iz the cutest....and yummmmy trweats...

b safe,

Gus a dit…

ooh ooh....lovely pressies. Bully Sticks...yummy. Cookies...heaven. And the hedgie! Wow.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.


Georgeous a dit…

Thank you sOoooo much for my Goodies! I loved them all!

Your cookies look great. What is so nice is that we all get different treats and toys when we exchange from different countries. My Mum would love to get her hands on some of the stuff you sent me. I'd love her to get hold of those big biscuits and some of those cookies you got from Mr. T Bone Beasley.
Your hedgehog looks fun! its a stuffie and a No No for me though.
Lots of LOVE to you my beautiful new friend.
George x

Dandy Duke a dit…

The hedgehog is so perfect for you, Faya! And the collar is just beautiful! Mr. T-Bone Beasley obviously has VERY good taste!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Mr. T sent you very nice presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae a dit…

That's a kewl toy. Is that some kind of squirrel or something? Mmm, bully sticks! I think I can smell it thru my compooter screen...

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Snowball a dit…

wow...that are some very nice pressies you have received, Faya.


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

You look very smart in your collar. What great gifts.

Simba x

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow Faya, the collars look stunning on you. You model them beautifully.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Anonyme a dit…

aaah ha ha ha quelle gourmande c'est à se tordre de rire !
non-non je ne vous ai pas oublié (comment le pourrais-je..)
je suis juste dépassé par mes propres évènements !
Je vous souhaite un bon week à toutes les deux,
papouilles d'Atome.

Anonyme a dit…

D'acc. j'avais encore pas vu tout ça, mais , mais, cette Nelly, je vais me rattraper, promis. Bisouilles.

Cassidy a dit…

I love the pretty hedgehog toy, and you look beautiful in your new collar Faya!

Cassidy x

Maya and Kena a dit…

Nice presents Faya!
Mr. Beasley sure has good taste!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Hey Faya, what pawsome gifts from Mr T-Bone Beasley! That hedgehog is just crying out to be destroyed! J x

Asta a dit…

Faya peut etwe...monsieuw T Bone Beasley is in love????
those awe lovely pwesents
smoochie bisous

Princess Patches a dit…

Your new collar is gorgeous, Faya! You look very beautiful! We really like your hedgegog! Does Veronique put it somewhere up high when it's time to go to sleep? Our mom puts our squeakies on top of the refrigerator.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Agatha and Archie a dit…

A Hedgie!! You got a hedgie!!! We have one too!!Love A+A