jeudi 12 juin 2008

My International Goody Exchange package from Jackson !

I am so happy ! It arrived this morning ! ........... MY package from MY friend Jackson !Oh I guess you know all that I am very courageous.....Dad had to open it for me....Rhôôôôôôô miam miam.... it smells soooooo good !I feel like Ali Bada and the 40 robbers (if you know this story...)...Actually I tested everything and waouw those one are particularly delicious....

Ok, give me this, I have to go in the garden....And look at this nice little...rabbit ?It is mine and I love it a lot !And Jackson I love you so much ! Your cards are just fabulous ! Thank you sooooooo much !And thank you Chef and Mr. T-Bone Beasley for organizing the first International Goody Exchange ! I love you too !

27 commentaires:

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Woohoo, thank dogness it arrived safely! I thought I was going to have to come over there and bite the postman! I hope the rabbit isn't too small for you. I sort of forgot that you're so much taller than me, hehehe! Do the pawtune cookies have the fortunes written inside? J x

Deetz a dit…

What a wonderful package of goodies. That chinese snackie looks delicious...was it great to eat?

BenTheRotti a dit…

What a wonderful parcel you got. Hasn't this goodie exchange been fun?


Ben xxxx

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Well isn't this just the MOST fun!! Those fortune cookies look like a LOT of fun!!!!!!!!! (we don't blame you for not wanting to open the box We dogs are not that good with scissors) Love and kisses A+A

Anonyme a dit…

En voilà encore un.Toi, tu n'es jamais fatiguée de déballer les paquets.Faya,fais pour moi une comi à Véronique, de ma part dis à BENTHEROTTI qu'il est trop cool avec son casque. Bisous, truftrufs et le salut militaire pour BEN xxxx.

The Black and Tans. a dit…


What a lovely parcel you received from Jackson. We have so enjoyed the Goody Exchange, aren't Mr T and Chef magnificent for organising it all!

Molly and Taffy

Snowball a dit…

Those stuff in the package is wonderful. You must be very happy girl.


Dandy Duke a dit…

Jackson sent you wonderful goodies, Faya! We love the card and we love your mailbox! It's much prettier than ours!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby a dit…


What a great goody package from Jackson! Those treats all look so yummy and the rabbit is too cute! I sure hope you have hours of fun with all of you goodies!

Your pal,

Amber-Mae a dit…

Those are some pawsome goodies from Jax! That taffy looks especially deeleecious! Hey, that looks like the Chinese noodle they sell in white countries. I bet it tastes oh sooo yummy!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Cool package Miss Faya... looks yummy!!!


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

What pawsome gifts you got from Jackson. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

What great gifts and yummy treats.

Simba x

Lenny a dit…

Chinese fortune cookies! Pawsome! Jackson is great.

Your friend, Lenny

Princess Patches a dit…

You got some really nice things in your package from Jackson! This package exchange has been lots of fun!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Anonyme a dit…

Furry Cool pressies Faya!!!! That was very nice of Jackson!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

MmmmmmMMMmmmmm...Faya....I'm drooling. That big strip of meat looks soooooo good! Oh yea, did it last long?

And those little cookies that folded, what did those taste like? Did they tell you any good fortunes?

Hehehe, you look great chewing on your bunny. It kinda looks like a marshmellow peep! Heheheh!

Jackson sure sent you an awesome package!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Willow the Black Dale a dit…

Faya your gift from Jackson is pawsome!!! This gift exchange is so cool. I hope we do it again! I must admit you make that bone looke delious!

nose pokes,

Cassidy a dit…

Jackson sends great presents!

Happy weekend Faya!

Cassidy x

Asta a dit…

That ooks like a delicious tweat, and pawtune! I bet you'll have wondewful fowtoones...I think that wabbit will make a nice fwiend too
Have a lovely weekend in youw bootiful gawden..thinking of you wif love and
Smoochie bisous

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Hello Faya,
How wonderful, the goodies look great. It really has been a fun goodies exchange. Have a great weekend.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

How exciting Faya! Ill bet you loved everything in there huh? I just loved the gift exchange!

puppy breath,

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, we're glad you got such a cool goody package from Jackson. there looked like there were a lot of good things in there - some chews, rabbit toy and chinese take out food? hee hee. we think that goody exchange was a lot of fun for all of us.


Chef a dit…

Faya, ma belle copine! You got some tres beaux cadeaux!! What a lucky airchien!

Je t'embrasse.
Ton ami, Chef

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Sure you got very nice presents from Jackson!
Yummy treats! And the fortune cookies sure are delicious!
Glad you are enjoying all your goodies!
Kisses and hugs

BrandytheGreat a dit…

Hey, you got great gifts!!!

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Quels présents merveilleux ! Noël arrive en juin. Veuillez apporter le Chantilly quand nous prenons assez de fraises ! Les ours pourraient venir, aussi !