mardi 15 juillet 2008

Europe does not care about dogs...l'Europe se moque des chiens....

Pffff....even in France I had to fight to find a kong....Même en France j'ai dû me battre pour trouver un kong..... but ..... mais .........I found one...j'en ai trouvé un.....(and it exists only in size L, et que en taille L)...It is not the one we were looking for....but it is the only one we found....Ce n'est pas celui que l'on cherchait mais c'est le seul que l'on ai trouvé....

To celebrate my kong we went to the Buffalo Grill to have a nice dinner....Pour fêter ça on est allé diner au Buffalo Grill.....(I had some french fries...j'ai eu des pommes frites...)

...and now I am back home and testing my maintenant je suis à la maison en train de tester mon vous tiens au courant....I keep you in touch....

21 commentaires:

Gus a dit…

woops, did you not get any of the Buffalo they grilled? Only Fries? Make them go back and get you the doggy bag! Enjoy your Kong. It looks like a good one.


Duke a dit…

We don't have that kind of Kong! That one looks like more fun than ours!
Did Veronique put peanut butter inside for you, Faya?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Georgeous a dit…

I'd vouch for the buffalo, I have a dental kong BUT I love my king kong the best!!
Love 'n' snuffs

Anonyme a dit…

A pas sommeil la Nelly, alors je suis venue queuquer et j'ai bien fait. Alors quoi, les jeunes, quoi qu'on fait le reste de la semaine.Moi j'y là si au cas.
juste me dire.Bisous et truftrufs.

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Mon Dieu! Existe-t-il vraiment un Buffalo Grill en France? C'est parfait! Vive la Chernobyl culturel!


Sephie et Buster


the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, that looks like a pretty good kong, even though it wasn't the right one. do you like to have treats inside your kong? maybe you could put buffalo inside your new kong. that would make it really fun.


Snowball a dit…

LOL. Did you mum put peanut butter into your new kong?

Have you thought of ordering toys for you online? Ask her to approach jie jie for the website address.


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Mexico beats Europe on not caring about dogs! Here where I live there is not a single pet shop!
Glad you found at least a dental kong!
Kisses and hugs

Kirby a dit…

Oh Faya, I'm sorry you didn't get the Kong you were looking for. Which one are you shopping around for? If you tell me, I can send it to you. I've seen a TON of Kong stuff around my dog stores. And everyone is right, peanut butter in the Kong is oh-so-yummy!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale a dit…

That looks like a great kong Faya. What sort of kong were you after??

Noah xx

Taky a dit…

Quel beau Kong ... Domage qu'il soit si grand ... je ne vais pas pouvoir te le piquer celui-là ;o)


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh.. I've never seen that Kong before... Is it fun?

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova a dit…

oh faya, what did veronique put inside the kong for u?

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae a dit…

They sell many Kongs here in my country but no Kong stuffing. I wonder why? I hope you liked your new toy. Oooh, hope you got to eat lots of grilled meatables or something...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Hey Faya, I had that kong toy once, but I ate bits of it and so J1 threw it away! J x

BrandytheGreat a dit…

Aww, lucky you bout that dinner, but at least you got a KONG!

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

I'm glad you found a kong. Hope you enjoy playing with it after all that.

Simba x

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

thats crap! In europe they should have quaint little pet boutiques on every other corner, or online at least! Sorry about that Faya. Oh well, enjoy that kong, you can get your mom to stuff a whole bunch of goodies in there hehe!

puppy breath,

Maya and Kena a dit…

Hi Faya!
OOooh!! You got a kong? Cool!
That means that more treats fit inside it! (Our humans put treats in our kong, but ours is tiny..)
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Unknown a dit…

Faya, are you sure you were in France? The Buffalo Grill looks like it's in the United States! Maybe you got on the wrong plane?

Ton ami,


Anonyme a dit…

Faya... what kind of Kong were you looking for? Let me know and I can get it here for you and mail your way!