lundi 28 juillet 2008

Je pense à toi mon tendre Oscar.....

Je ne t'oublierai jamais et tu seras avec moi dans mon petit coeur pour toujours.

21 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Une bien triste journée pour ses maîtres.On a beau dire, mais un ne remplace pas l'autre, chacun a ses mimiques,ses demandes.Si petit que tu étais tu dois derrière l'arc qu'en ciel prendre soin de tous ceux qui sont partis.As-tu vu mon Tounet, mon Hyssuk et mon Charly ?

the many Bs a dit…

Hi Faya, today is the anniversary of Oscar's passing to the Rainbow Bridge. we know you were good friends. we liked Oscar too. we will never forget him. he went to the bridge way too soon.


Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...
Ma Pat et moi avons aussi pensé à Oscar ce matin en nous réveillant ...
Un gros calin à vous deux ...

Amber-Mae a dit…

That's just sweet Faya! Who could ever forget about sweet Oscar. We still miss that fuzzy fella... I wonder what's he up to right now in doggy heaven?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh Faya
We cannot believe that a year has already gone by since your love Oscar went to The Rainbow Bridge.
We will be thinking of you both today.
Molly and Taffy

Harry a dit…

Merci beaucoup Faya. Nous sommes tristes ici aujourd'hui.

Harry x

Nounours a dit…

Nous non plus, nous n'oublions pas... :-(

Kyanite a dit…

I too am so sad today & have posted about our darling boy Oscar.

Pats & pets

Duke a dit…

Oscar was one-of-a kind! We miss him!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus a dit…

Faya: We miss Oscar too, but he has brought us all closer together. We know he is watching over you in particular.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

I never got to meed Oscar, but it sounds like he was one heck of a guy!

I bet he's having a blast at the bridge!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Willow the Black Dale a dit…

Oh Faya.....I know I would have liked Oscar. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I agree he left us to soon. Hugs to you and your mommy.


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Hi Faya
We miss Oscar dreadfully. He was our good friend too and he is always close to our hearts.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow & Lucy

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
I love that picture of Oscar! There is now way we can forget him! He will be always in our hearts.
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova a dit…

i miss oscar too!

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

I can't believe its been a year.

Simba x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Thank you for reminding us about Oscar...we'll head over to his bloggie now and tell Cassidy and Harry we're thinkin' about him and his Peeps...

How many more weeks till ur brother comes???? We can't wait for pictures!!!!!!!!!

Those blackberries looked delicious, Faya!!!! Mumsie loves them!

Barkin' at ya...Lacie

Persephone and Buster a dit…

hi faya... what a nice tribute to oscar....w/wings!
theBUSTER, MS. Persephone & Ms Blue too.

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya Girl,

I think I miss our Oscar Boy even more now, if that's possible. He was the best love pup to you, and for that alone I respect him.

But, you know what? I think he was also a gooberdale of the highest order (and THAT is a big compliment coming from me).

Oscar went to the Bridge secure in the love of his sweet Faya. You loved him well.

Goober love,

Agatha and Archie a dit…

WE 100% agree with A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

We still miss Oscar. He was one of our first blogging friends. J x