mercredi 9 juillet 2008

Let me introduce you "D" vous présente "D"

"D" is born the 23rd of June near Lyon, in France. "D" est né le 23 juin près de Lyon, en France. He is one of those Welsh Terrier puppies. C'est un de ces petits chiots Welsh Terrier....

Voici leur maman....and here is their mom.........and YES.....oui oui va être mon....he is going to be my....


Do you know what it means ? Vous savez ce que cela signifie ?

27 commentaires:

erin a dit…

Congrats on your new brother, Faya! I think Welsh Terriers are really cute. They look like miniature Airedales. I hear that they're supposed to be really sweet too. I bet you can't wait till he can come home.

Kyanite a dit…

Oh, they are so lovely!
You know I am 'Auntie' to Welsh Terrier Taffy of Molly & Taffy fame!

Thor and Jack a dit…

You have a new brother??
He is so cute!!


Gus a dit…

Oh Faya! Your life will never be the same! Condolences and congratulations, all at the same time


Anonyme a dit…

Wow Faya... you have a new brother? That is so cool. I have something coming on Saturday.... Mom says I am going to be very excited!

Georgeous a dit…

OMD, they look like mini me's?
Love 'n' snuffs

Dandy Duke a dit…

OMG, we are so excited for you, Faya! A new baby brother to play with forever and ever! What a darling he is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs a dit…

oh this is so exciting. you are getting a baby brother! we can't wait to meet him! is he going to have more of a name that just "D"? we hope so!


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Is he going to be your super friend?? Or your little brother??
I am confused!
He is so cuuuuute!
Kisses and hugs

Persephone and Buster a dit…

"D" est si mignon! Et il deviendra un membre de la famille? Maintenant, nous sommes heureux! Notre mère nous a promis une nouvelle petite soeur - peut-être un irlandais Wolfhound ou quelque chose de vraiment très petit!

Avez-vous choisi un nom pour "D"?


Persephone et Buster

Kirby a dit…

Oh Faya, how exciting! You are getting your own little brother! Welsh Terriers are so much fun. I have a pal named Rupert who is a welshie and we love to play together for hours! You are going to have THE BEST TIME! Congratulations!!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

Sont trognons, je comprends ton impatiiiiiiience. Truftrufs et bisous.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

FAYA!!! You're getting a brother!!! That's way awesome! I'm so excited! My uncle is a Welsh and those guys are lots of fun to play with! Woohoo! When do you get him?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

ahhh what cute puppies.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh you're getting a new brother.. He sure looks cute.. :)

~ Girl girl

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

Géniale pour toi ... ça va être cool avec ton petit frère ...

Dis ... tu me le présenteras ??


Harry a dit…

Hello, we’re back in business! Now we just have to catch up with all our pals!

A new brother! How exciting. And he'll always be smaller than you, so you can be boss!!

Harry x

Putter a dit…

OMG! Faya!

This is so excitingest ever! OMG! Did you know that MY MOM and her airegirl growing up also had a welshie! OMG!


Putter ...:)

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

Aww congrats Faya! You have new une frere! Hes cute! Now be nice hehe

puppy breath,

Anonyme a dit…

cool un petit frère !! va falloir partager les jouets tout bientôt, tite Faya... grosses papouilles...

Jake of Florida a dit…

A brother!!! Un frere!!!

Quel bonheur!!

We're happy for you -- although I, Jake, can tell you a lot about what it means to have a brother. But then my brother doesn't have a sweet sister like you so perhaps that changes everything.


Jake and Just Harry

Agatha and Archie a dit…

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!OOOOOHHHHH he is soooo sweet...PL2 is getting all mushy just looking at him!!!Now Faya, we have a lot of tips for you....... so you had better call us. on Archies cell phone..........Love and kisses A+A

Boo Casanova a dit…

so so so? faya, is little welsh terrier at home with you now??

c'mon, tell us!

wet wet licks


Anonyme a dit…

Bienvenue "D"....^à tout bientôt j'espère. Faya... tu prendras bien soin de lui. Gros bisous. Nounou

Willow the Black Dale a dit…

A brother!! So cool. Wow a brother! I am speechless Faya (that never happens). This is so good for you!! Ok you may pout at first but in the end you will love him!! Have you picked out a name yet???

FAYA!!! My package came today. We all had so much fun opening the package. We can't wait to put the pictures up for everyone to see.
**Mom here. She posed really good for you Faya and loves the pig**

snuggles and smooches,

Stanley a dit…


Sweet Faya, you are going to be a big sister!! YOu will be the BEST big sissy that little Welshie boy could EVER have! I am SO STINKIN' excited for you and Gooberique!

Stella is even more excited than I am about your new brother. She said that she would love to be his mentor and best buddy. When does he get to come home to you?! I can't wait to see you with him. I bet Molly will have a lot of advice to give, being a big sister to Taffy.

Is there anything you need before he comes? Let me know. I'll get it for you!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Bonjour Faya
Common ca va?
Nous sommes a la maison.
How exciting you are going to have a new brother. We're really happy for you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx