vendredi 25 juillet 2008

Where did I put the Chantilly ? Où ais-je mis la Chantilly ?

Can you see this ? Vous voyez ceci ?

Do you see better ? Vous voyez mieux ?

Rhôôôô miam miam.....

And now my friends, please cross your paws for Miss Snickers and Jackson !

14 commentaires:

Snowball a dit…

Faya, I am dying of envy. You get lots of fresh fruits in your yard! How nice can that be?

I have my paws crossed for Jackson and Snickers too. I gope they will both be alright


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
You said it right... miam... miam...
I have my paws crossed for Snickers and Jackson too!
Kisses and hugs

Gus a dit…

Yummy yummy! And with Chantilly or Fresh Cream, my flavorites. But right off the bush, that must be humungous yummy


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Bonjour Faya,
Miam miam we love berries.

We have all our paws crossed for Snickers and Jackson.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

Aww Faya thanks :) 5 weeks is sooo long to wait to meet your brother! Why so long?

puppy breath,

Asta a dit…

Ihope Vewonique bwought you some cweme chantilly fow those bootiful fwaises..thank you fow cwossing youw paws fow ouw awe a sweetie
as always
smoochie bisous

Dandy Duke a dit…

OMG, we're drooling! Those raspberries look so yummy and they're FREE for the snitching!
Our paws are crossed for Snickers and Jackson!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Faya!MIAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! We are so worried about Jax and Snickers and PL2 is very upset too.... All paws crossed...Love and kisses A+A

Anonyme a dit…

mmhh ... Ça à l'air super bon ... Y-a pas de distributeur automatique de chantilly ? Moi j'attends impatiemment que le raisin soit mûr ...

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, you have a wonderful yard with ripe berries just waiting for you to munch on them. yum....

we are crossing all of our paws for Snickers and Jackson.


erin a dit…

Mmmm.... I love berries!
I gave you an award on my blog, Faya.
PS I am very concerned about Jackson and Snickers. I don't want any dogs to be in pain.

Anonyme a dit…

Tu as beau te cacher la tête, je te vois.Chez Roro elles viennent rouges aussi.Truftrufs et bisous.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

I cross my paws when I sleep too!!!

Do you cover your nose when the air blows on it too much? I do, I cant have a chapped nose! Dirty nose is fine...chapped is not!

Ahhhhh Faya...your nose, it gets me every time!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Stanley a dit…


I LOVE berries too, although I've never eaten them right off of the vine.

Your booty is so cute in your "paws crossed for Snickers & Jackson" photo. What a GREAT idea.

Goober love & smooches,