dimanche 23 novembre 2008

Salut ! I am 5 months old today! J'ai 5 mois aujourd'hui !

...and guess what I had for my birthday ? Et devinez ce que j'ai eu pour mon anniversaire ? DE LA NEIGE !!! SNOW !!!
Waouw I am so happy ! Je suis si content !....and my sister Faya showed me how to pee like a male .... Faya m'a montré comment faire pipi et maintenant ....and now .....

18 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Joyeux anniversaire petit Dyos :) . Nous te souhaitons une très bonne journée dans la neige!!!

Josh et Jess

Gus a dit…

Dyos! Congratulations on the rite of passage! Good job, we will have you writing in the snow in no time (escrit dans la neige?)


Faya sweetie,,,this is taking true sisterhood to a new level!


The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh how wonderful. We had snow today but not as much as you and it has all gone now.

Happy 5 month birthday Dyos.

Molly and Taffy

Thor and Jack a dit…

Happy 5 months Birthday Dyos!

Love and licks

Georgeous a dit…

I am SoOOo jealous of all your snow! Well done for teaching Dyos to pee like a little man Faya, you are such a clever sister! Send Dyos 5 month birthday wishes from me and my family.
Love & Kissies

Lorenza a dit…

You got a very nice present to celebrate your 5th month birthday!
Looks like you two enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs

Duke a dit…

Happy 5th month birthday, Dyos! I'm going to be 2 tomorrow and I wish I could have snow for my birthday too! You're so lucky!

Yer friend,

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Woo-hoo - SNOW!!!

Congratulations on turning 5 months Dyos - looking so good and handsome!!!

Big Aire Kisses to Miss Faya


Boo Casanova a dit…

congrats on peeing like a real man dyos!!!

wet wet licks


Agatha and Archie a dit…

FIVE MONTHS ALREADY!!!!!!! Oh you beat us with the snow and we are very jealous!!!!!! Archie wants me tell you that that is really us with the moustaches( in case you couldn't tell) Love A+A

Kirby a dit…

Faya and Dyos, that is a lot of snow! How Pawsome!! Happy 5 month birthday Dyos, I sure hope you had tons of fun in the snow. Oh, can you or Faya, teach me how to pee like a boy, I still don't and I'm 2!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

Bon anni Dyos.T'en a eu de la chance d'aller te promener dans la neige.Nous on a eu de la pètche et ce matin il pleut.Bonne journée et bisous petite troupe.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow snow and you can pee like a boy...what a great 5 month birthday Dyos.
We love the photos.

Noah x

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

hi Faya don't these pups grow Dyos is five months already time goes so fast. Infact I can't remember a time with out Otto.
He looks like he is having agreat time in the snow. You have more snow than us.
Glad you are still enjoying your bruver Faya Life is so much better with a good friend.

Ludo the cool dude

Amber-Mae a dit…

Wow! Your 1st snow ever Dyos! Congratulations! Hope you had a fun time out there.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Happy 5th month anniversary, Dyos! Faya sure is a great teacher...*wink* The snow looks so fun to play in...your face says it all! *grins*


Asta a dit…

Bravo Dyos!!!!
Faya is a wondewful sissie..she teaches you eveewything..what bootiful snow..it looks like a wintew wondewland.
Happy cinqieme mois Birfday Dyos..have a wondewful week!
smoochie bisous
love to bof of you

erin a dit…

These pictures in the snow are beautiful! Good job peeing, Dyos!