mardi 16 décembre 2008

Merci Snoopy mon ami ! Thank you Snoopy my friend !

C'est Noël avant Noël ! It is Christmas before Christmas ! Look what my friend Snoopy from Belgique sent to me ... and Dyos .... and my humans. Regardez ce que mon ami Snoopy de Belgique m'a envoyé à Dyos.... et mes humains.
hiiiiii comme il est beau Snoopy ! Waouw he is very handsome !
Ok, I guess the chocolate is for the humans....le chocolat c'est pour les humains je présume n'est-ce-pas ? (Véronique : miam miam, oui oui yes yes...and also the spéculoos...aussi oui)
I like to put my head in the box ! J'aime mettre ma tête dans les cartons. It smells so gooooood. Ca sent si bon.
Des baballes, des jouets et des biscuits ! Balls, toys and nice treats....
.....look at this jaws !....z'avez vu ces mâchoires ! Can someone explain him that the pink toy is supposed to be MINE ? Est-ce-que quelqu'un pourrait lui expliquer que le jouet rose est cencé être pour MOI ?
Merci Snoopy mon ami ! J'adore les cadeaux et je t'adore encore plus. Et papouilles à tes humains !
Thank you my dear Snoopy ! I like gifts but I like you more than that ! Give your humans a big kiss !

18 commentaires:

Duke a dit…

What nice pressies from Snoopy! Those treats are making us drool!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus a dit…

Oh Wow...that is some jaw on Dyos. He has his mouth open so wide! And big strong white teeth!
Be careful Faya, he might get hungry and you are sweet


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Snoopy sent you all nice and yummy presents!
Enjoy them!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Snowball a dit…

Those are really pawsome gifts. You got lots of friends who send gifts to you. Have Fun!


Peess: I hope Veronique feels better after eating all those chocolates.

Anonyme a dit…

A quand la camionette spécial Faya et Dyos. Bisouilles tout le monde.

Stanley a dit…

Faya & Dyos!

First, I have to tell you that I'm LOVING your new photo header. It's one of your best bitey face photos EVER!

You two have some of the shiniest white teefers I have ever seen. Seriously.

You know what? I would love to see Stella & Dyos in a wrasslin' and bitey face match. Hard to tell who would win, but I bet it would be hilarious to watch.

That Snoopy sure was sweet to send all those gifts! Now, if Dyos is into pink, I say let him explore his feminine side.

Goober love & smooches,

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Hi Faya!

Those are very VERY cool gifts from Snoopy! The treats look very yummy indeed...*licks lips*


Cassidy a dit…

What lucky pups you are! Those treats look yummy!

Cassidy x

The Musketeers a dit…

Lucky pups indeed !!! Great pressie there !!!

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

What great gifts. You have very kind friends.

Simba x

BrandytheGreat a dit…

LUcky YOU !!!!!!!!!

Asta a dit…

Faya and Dyos
Youw Fwiend Snoopy is a sweetheawt fow sending you such wondewful gifts.
I hope you have loads of fun wif all of it
love andsmoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow Faya, fantastic pressies for you & Dyos. We love your new header photo...very scary!

Noah x

AB clan a dit…

Formidable tous ces cadeaux!
Si vous êtes gâtés c'est que vous le valez bien!
ViVi & AB

Anonyme a dit…

Woo! Pawsome Pressies. We are giving woo two an award AND tagging both of woo. Check our blog out .... in about 30 min. Still finishing up on it :)

Mason Dixie a dit…

Wow, your teethies are so perfect, I am missing a tooth =( but at least they are as clean. A little jealous

Thor and Jack a dit…

Hi Faya and Dyos!
What a great pressies from Snoopy! Your treats look yummy!

Love and licks

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya & Dyos, those are a bunch of nice pressies. we're glad that Veronique got the chocolate - that's not good for dogs, you know.
