Ben oui, pour finir la promenade dans cet état..... Yes, she finished the walkie like this....hahahahaaa(...and she is not even paid to do elle est même pas payée pour faire ça...)Dyos also had some problems with the snow....Dyos aussi a eu des petites boulettes avec la neige....ahahahahahaBut it was so beautiful .... and my friend Zabou is here for the week-end ! Mais c'était génial et en plus Zabou est là pour le week-end !
envoyé par Foxfamilly
envoyé par Foxfamilly
envoyé par Foxfamilly
envoyé par Foxfamilly
20 commentaires:
Faya.... You seem to be in your element, but Poor Dyos...Those snow ball thingies make your feets so uncomfortable.
gussie are right..Veronique clearly loves you.
It's just magic!
But brrrr ....cold!
ViVi & AB
Oh my gosh! Dyos almost looked like a snowman!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pfiou... quelle neige chez vous, dis donc ! Ici à Salmonberry, rien du tout, et tant mieux pour moi, huhu.
Sinon, mille mercis pour votre si gentil cadeau ! J'ai été très touché, et j'ai rédigé une petite note pour vous remercier sur mon blog.
Passez un bon week-end avec votre ami Zabou, et attention à ne pas prendre froid dans la neige, les amis !
hi Dtos & Faya, that snow playing and romping looks like so much fun. the picture of Dyos with the snow balls all over him is really funny. that's what happens to us too, but usually just on our legs. one time Brody got some much snow balls on his legs that mom had to put him in the bathtub full of warm water to thaw him out! hee hee! we sure are jealous of your snow. we wish we would get some. it looks very beautiful and excellent for playing!
Goodness, you had a lot of snow Faya. It looks difficult to walk through. We love the videos. Veronique should put skis on hee hee.
Noah x
That looks like so much fun! That is a very funny picture of Dyos. Poor Dyos! I hate it when that happens to me. We have a lot of snow here too. I did not get taken on a walk today but my girl played with me in my yard after she was done shoveling.
w00f's Faya and Dyos, ooo poor little Dyos, gots snow balls all over him...looks like fun, me wants snow..
b safe,
From your videos I can see you had lots of fun in the snow!
Dyos looks like a popsicle!
Kisses and hugs
I want to come to youw magical snow fowest and Dyos twying to tuwn into a white caniche???hehehe
Joyeux St Nicolas a toi aussi!
smoochie bisous
Vewonique is an ange!!!
Tu veux les coms exates de Roro ? rgarde voir c'ptit con.Ils s'en sont donnés à coeur joie.
et toi la femme de cromagnon, pas mal du tout,il faut dire qu'à l'époque les essuyes glaces n'exitaient pas et je crois pas les lunettes non plus.
The snow is so beautiful, and Dyos looks like a little snow-welshie!!
It looks like all 3 of you are having loads of fun! Heehee...Dyos is a little snowman!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Woh there's so much snow there. I hope Dyos didn't get cold. Stay warm you all
~ Bae
Looks like you had a fun weekend.
Simba x
Now, THAT's what I call real love from your Gooberique and the man! You are like I am, I think. I go completely NUTS in the snow and don't want to go inside!
Dyos looks like he's wearing a little snowball suit. Hope he got all those snow dingleberries off before he went inside.
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Faya & Dyos
Wow! Do you ever have a lot of snow. I thought that I had lots of snow where I live & that I had a big snowball fur problem, but you guys win that hands down.
Your pictures are gorgeous.
Love Ruby
Oh least Dyos was smart enough to follow you so it was easier for his short little legs to walk! He was one huge iceball!! Poor long did it take him to melt??
That forest is beautiful and the snow makes it magical!!
The pictures were wonderful!!!
Looks like ya had the best time!!
Dyos looks like he's in big trouble! We hope you ate the snowballs off him, Faya!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
aiiie les petites boules collées partout... mon richard à bien connu ça jusqu'à samedi... ensuite maman a tout coupé... il ressemble plus à un fenec qu'un chien maintenant mais au moins... plus de boule de neige !
becs Jack
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