Friday my Véronique went to the Docter who said she has a broken meniscus and she need a surgery in January. She cried all the night, not because of the pain, but because she won't be able to go with us for long walkies...Ma Véronique est allé chez le médecin vendredi qui lui a appris que son ménisque est cassé et qu'elle doit se faire opérer en janvier. Elle a pleuré toute la nuit, pas à cause de la douleur mais parce qu'elle ne poura pas nous promener.
...sad Faya...
...sad Dyos....
Ensuite samedi matin elle s'est évanouie....pouf !....comme ça. En fait à cause d'une gastro qui l'a clouée au lit tout le week-end....
And then saturday morning she fainted because of a gastroenteritis. She had to stay in bed all the week-end exept this afternoon for a little walkie with us....
What a boring week-end....quel week-end de m....(sans jeu de mot....hahahahah)
We have been 2 little angels !....2 petits anges...!
...during almost 5 minutes...pendant presque 5 minutes...après....after...
20 commentaires:
Oh no, how sad for all of you. We hope Veronique will be feeling much better soon. Sending you lots of Sheltie love,
Josh and Jess
Oh, pauvre Véronique, toutes les pensées de Monsieur Nounours et de Madame Nounours se tournent vers toi pour te souhaiter un rétablissement rapide, de l'estomac et du ménisque ! (Quel courage de venir poster pour nous donner de vos nouvelles, nous avons eu la même chose à la fin de l'année dernière, et nous ne pouvions rien faire...)
Et que Faya et Dyos ne soient pas trop inquiets, on est sûr que tu t'en remettras bien plus vite que tu ne l'imagines, même si bien, sûr, c'est pénible et difficile, surtout avec deux anges qui voudraient jouer avec toi et te forcer à la promenade...
Ils sont là pour toi, et ils attendront que tu te remettes. Nous aussi ! Bises de Salmonberry
Oh no! Poor Veronique! We hope she feels better soon!
Go easy on your mom, Faya and Dyos!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dawling Faya et Dyos,
I'm so sowwy that Vewonique has this twouble..I will cwoss my paws fow hew and say a pwayew that she gets bettew weal soon so she can walk wif you again in the bootiful countwieside.
I'm sending extwa healing smoochie kisses fow hew
Hi, Faya and Dyos!
I am so sorry to know Veronique is having those health problems. I know when she has her surgery you two will take good care of her!
Paws crossed
Kisses and hugs
Faya and Dyos: Please give Veronique lots of terrier loves from us so she can feel better soon. We are sorry that she is not well, but we know you will take good care of her.
oh poor Veronique. we hope that she will get better very soon. you two will have to take good care of her.
WHats with the sad face ? Oh , we sure hope VEronique gets well soon !
Ma pauvre Véronique.Ben oui, j'étais inquiète, paske au téléphone, j'ai bien senti que la forme n'était pas présente. Tu ne te fais pas de souçis, y a toujours moyen de s'arranger pour Faya et Dyos.Soigne toi bien et je prends des nouvelles par tel.Bisous.
Oh no poor Veronique. We hope she is getting over her gastro attack. We will keep our paws crossed that her surgery goes very well.
Give her lots of dale licks from us.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy xxxx
Poor Veronique, give her kissies from us! Hopefully your dad will walk you or you're going to be playnig lots of bitey face so you don't both get bored.
Cassidy x
This is so sad. We feel so sad for you both too. But we hope she gets better soon.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Poor Veronique we do hope she is feeling much much better today.
We are sure you will be very good for her and play nicely together.
Get well soon Veronique.
Molly and Taffy
Oh boy, what horrible news. We hope she'll feel fine again soon.
And....what ACTION you guys have over there!
Oh no! Your poor human! Walkies are just about the best thing ever and now you can't take your human out for a long time. Sad days. Be sure to get lots of snugs in to make your human feel better.
Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec Véronique? Bad Karma? At-elle offenser certains ancienne divinité? S'il vous plaît prenez bien soin de ton mama.
Buster, Sephie, & Bailey
Faya & Dyos!!
Please give Gooberique a bunch of healing goober smooches from Stella & I. Maybe she won't have to have her surgery... but if she does, get ready to snuggle her for very long periods of time!
Now, my girl is telling me to declare to you her love of both of you pups! She wants to crawl the computer and snuggle you and kissie on you both!
As for Stella & I, we LOVE your wrasslin' photos, especially that last one. Dyos looks very devious and sly!
Goober love & smooches,
Oh I hope Veronique will be ok. You 2 are really good doggies
~ Bae
Sending Big Aire Zen and Gigantic Aire Kisses to Veronique!!!!
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