Sometimes I don't want to play....des fois, je n'ai pas envie de jouer.....
and after this, Dyos asked Véronique to play with him....alors Dyos a demandé à Véronique de jouer avec lui....
and Véronique gave Dyos his favorite Véronique elle a donné à Dyos son jouet préféré.....
14 commentaires:
Poor look so resigned to his antics. Still a lot of puppy in Dyos, huh?
coucou les deux ...
hi hi .. Dyos est l'aspirateur ... ça a beaucoup fait rire la Pat et la maman de la Pat ...
Dis donc Faya ... c'est impressionnant ce que tu peux rester calme !!!
Grosse léchouille à vous deux
Sheesh Faya
That's the same thing Daddi did to me today..I hate that noisy machine!
I am like you when Duffy comes to visit sometimes..he won't leave me alone and I don't aways want to play..maybe we should put the two of them togethew
smoochie kisses
Hi, Faya!
That is Dyos favorite toy?? Haaaa!
Kisses and hugs
Faya, does Dyos annoy you?! Hootie bugs me sometimes too...Sometimes a girl just wants to rest. Neither of us like the vacuum cleaner either. What good does it do? The floor always get dirty again anyway!! Doggy Kisses, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
wow. it looks like finally Dyos got his game. is Veronique supposed to be using the vacuum?
Dyos sure is getting bigger now.
Too cute with the vacuum, he almost had it. =)
Dyos tu es trop petit pour faire la Conchita.Trop drôle. Et le j'veux pas jouer de Faya, j'en ai marre....ça veut dire ce que ça veut dire. Bisous et bon lundi.
Hee I'll play with you Dyos. ;)
~ Bae
Hee I'll play with you Dyos. ;)
~ Bae
Hee I'll play with you Dyos. ;)
~ Bae
Sweet Faya!
I TOTALLY understand, sissy. It is that way with Stella sometimes. I'm just not interested but she can't believe that there isn't SOMEONE around here who wants to play with her.
I love how Dyos knows he belongs to you and Gooberique. He looks so content when she reaches out and touches him when he came over to her.
The video with the vacuum cleaner is funny. That's what *I* do when I see it come out to play. Stella is the one who barks at me for being so silly.
Goober love & smooches of sympathy,
Mitch wants to play lots of times with me when I don't want to play, Faya! Brothers can be such a PAIN!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, Dear Faya, I get fed up with my sister too but right now I cannot play.
Thank you for dropping by and sending me some healing kissies. I'm in for a tough 10 days.
Love George
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