dimanche 12 juillet 2009

Zsofi is here ! Zsofi est arrivée !

When Véronique was younger (when she had a T-Rex as pet....), she had a friend in Budapest. She went there and Monika came here a lot and a lot. Now the time as come for Monika's daughter, Zsofi, to come here to learn french. She is very nice she loves me and Dyos.
Quand ma Véronique était jeune (au temps des dinosaures....) elle avait une amie à Budapest. Monika venait chez elle et elle allait chez Monika....souvent ! Maintenant c'est au tour de la fille de Monika, Zsofi, de venir apprendre le français ici. Elle a 17 ans et elle est très gentille. Elle m'aime et Dyos aussi.Hier on était tous au jardin. Yesterday we were all gardening !
And after, we showed her how Macolin is a beautiful place.
Après on lui a montré comme Macolin est en endroit magnifique.Nous on a joué. I played with Dyos.

Dyos was more interested by the cows....Dyos était plus intéressé par les vaches...que par la vue...than from the view........ahhhh.....I love this place....j'aime cet endroit....
Véronique doesn't like to talk from Monika because Monika went to the Rainbow Bridge 7 years ago at the age of 35. And Zsofi looks like her mother a lot. Véronique n'aime pas trop parlé de Monika qui nous a quitté il y a 7 ans à l'age de 35 ans. It was a great day. C'était une belle journée !

19 commentaires:

Nelly a dit…

A ben oui, c'est zoli, belle découverte pour Zsofi, elle a dû aimer. bon dimanche, bisous à tous.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

It's great that Zsofi can spend time with you all. We are sorry Monique crossed the bridge.
We hope you are having a great time together.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Black and Tans. a dit…

We are sure you will keep Zsofi very busy and entertained and give her lots of cuddles.

MOlly and Taffy

Gus a dit…

Zsofi is indeed a lovely young woman, and we hope you enjoy your time together.

gussie, Teka and muzzer

Lorenza a dit…

Looks like you had a pawesome time with Zsofi!
I loved watching you two running around!
Kisses and hugs

Anonyme a dit…

Hello Faya, give our blog a little time to load, it's just a bit slow at the moment with the new background but it should come up with the text and all after a few seconds.

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Hi Faya & Dyos!

Sorry for not commenting sooner...I've been reading your blog, but haven't been able to leave comments. Zsofi is a lovely lady indeed...we're sure you are great hosts for her and gave her lots of laughs and hugs and licks! *grins*


Juno a dit…

Faya and Dyos! We envy you. You have gorgeous scenery and we're always jealous! The photo is the BESTEST!!

Momo & Pinot

Boo Casanova a dit…

great day out. so is zsofi staying with you now?

wet wet licks


Duke a dit…

How beautiful Zsofi is! We're sure she'll learn a lot of French from you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Life With Dogs a dit…

It sure looks like a great day! I beat you were beat...

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Looks like you had a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Agatha and Archie a dit…

How lovely she is! And how lucky tohave you to teach her French!!! Big kisses to all of you!! Love A+A

Astrid Keel a dit…

Zsofi est tellement jolie et je suis sure qu'elle apprendra le francais super vite! On est triste d'apprendre que Monique a visité les anges...

Stanley a dit…

Aw, Faya & Dyos!

Faya, you were such a cute pupgirl playing with your pet snail. I thought for sure you were going to start wrasslin' around with it any minute. Looks like Dyos picked up your interest in snails as toys!

Your digging lesson was pretty funny. Your booty was up in the aire for such a long time. Did Dyos get the hang of it, or are you still teaching him?

Zsofi is going to have a GREAT time getting to know you guys. I bet you and Dyos made her feel right at home. Maybe Asta's mommi can talk to her some while she's learning French so she doesn't get too homesick!

Goober love & smooches,

Asta a dit…

I twied Leaving a comment while I was away, but now I see it didn't wowk..I wanted to say "Isten Hozott!" to Zsofi.
She is so lucky to be able to spend time wif you and Dyos and of couwse Vewonique in youw bootiful countwy,
I wish we could be thewe too
Have a mawvelous time
smoochie kisses

Princess Patches a dit…

It looks like you had a really great day! We hope Zsofi's French lessons go well!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Pee-ess: we think our mom and dad had a T-rex for a pet too!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie a dit…

Your visiting Z-hooman is very pretty. Looks like she was great fun to play with too. Faya, that funny boy put rabbit ears on you!

Hi Faya & Dyos! From the photos I can see that you gave Zsofi a wonderful tour. Bet she didn't want to leave you. Where is your Auntie in the USA now??
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog

Anonyme a dit…

hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o: