Hello ! It's me Dyos ....and guess what.....I feel alone on my deckchair..... C'est moi Dyos....et vous savez quoi ?........je me sens tout seul sur ma chaise-longue.....

Mais il y a encore de la place....alors ? Qui vient me rejoindre ?????
But there is still a place ? Who comes to join me?????

But there is still a place ? Who comes to join me?????
Houhouuuuu les filles..........hello girls !!!!!!!!!!!!
19 commentaires:
Hi Dyos
C'est moi Tess. J'ai mal a tete and I need a holiday so I will come to visit you. Muuuaaah!
Tess xx
Oh my Dyos. You are growing up very fast.
I'm in, Dyos! Maggie prefers the shade but not me!
Yer friend,
Je veux, je veux, je peux te joindre. Tu est genial, si genial. Alors, j'habite tres loin, dommage, mais, si je pouvais, j'aurais etait la-bas. Sans doute.
Sally Ann
smoochie bisous
Me! Me!
Kisses and hugs
Have a great time with the girls, Dyos!
me me me! me and dopey wanna sunbath with cutie faya.
wet wet licks
Dyos -
You're going to have to get more chairs - everybody is gonna want to come and sun with you!!!
What kind of FROSTY beverages will be served?????
We're there too!! It has to be cooler and drier than here!!!
You are looking very handsome!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hold on we just have to get our sunscreen and hats and lip balm and book and cold drinks and Archies flat screen TV and some snacks and then we will be right there..Love A+A
We'd be right there!!
w00fs, wow Dyos, u is a big boy now...me will come visit with u...but me not a girl..
b safe,
OOoo la la...les filles! My French is not so good, but Dyos I am with you. Lots of girls would be fun in the sun & the chair with you! Let's rock!
WelshieHugs, Hootie
You cute fellow! I'll come join you in your chair.
AireKisses, BabyRD
Quel dieu en bronze majestueux et distingué ! Y a-t-il de la pièce sur la chaise longue pour nous ?
Buster, Sephie, & Bailey
Moi, moi! Je veux bronzer avec toi Dyos!!!!
Me me me. Can I join you?
~ Bae
Dyos, je veux bronzer avec toi... Mais il y a tellement de competition... dis moi qu'il y a encore un peu de place sur le sofa! Tu es trop mignon!
Hi hi hi ... je crois avoir la version fille de ta photo ;o) ... y'a pas à dire ... ces welsh ... toujours les meilleures places ...
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