samedi 26 septembre 2009

Mr. October !

Believe me ! He is dreaming he will be the next Mr. October for Dog Magazine....

Non mais......... il rêve d'être le prochain Mr. Octobre du Chien Magazine......pfffffffffff.........

15 commentaires:

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Dyos would be a very handsome Mr. Octubre!
Do we need to vote for him??
Kisses and hugs

The Airechicks a dit…


So handsome - We'd vote for you also.....

Doggie International should be asking you to take your picture!!


Sally Ann and Andy a dit…

Il pourait le Mr. October. Non, il est tres minon. Si je pouvais, je votais que oui.
Sally Ann

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Dyos you would look fantastic on the front of a magazine cover.

Your new header photo is great!

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Noah the Airedale a dit…

oooh la la...very handsome Dyos.

Tess Willow & Lucy xxx

Agatha and Archie a dit…

OOOHHH LA LA is right!! Dyos you look as if you are already Mr October( well he really does look cute Faya) Love A+A

Duke a dit…

Dyos would make the BEST Mr. October! He's handsome with personality!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta a dit…

Et Pouwquois pas????
Il est twes twes handsome!!!!

Faya You have aways been bootiful and it obviously continoos to wun in the family!
(Vewonique aussi)

I hope the magazine's take note
1Have a wondewful lundi!
smoochie bisous

Nelly a dit…

Tu le seras Dyos, c'est moi qui te le dis. Déjà tu es mon Mister à nous,ça compte aussi. Bonne semaine la ptite troupe, gros bisous.

Astrid Keel a dit…

Dyos, je suis sure que tu peux devenir le prochain Monsieur Octobre!

Hollie and Janie a dit…

He would get my vote! Dyos is such a cutie pie!

TwoSpecialWires a dit…

Soak up the compliments, Dyos! You deserve them!

Ton ami,
Jake (and Fergi) xxoo

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Est-ce que Dyos obtenira son jet privé et manoir "Playdog"? Rencontrera-t-il Miss Octobre? Ah ... le drame!


Sephie, Bozo & Bailey

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh Dyos...


Is it getting cold over there yet? When do you start getting snow?

Love ya lots!!


Inky and Molly a dit…

We'd hop in the bean sack with you for sure!!