This afternoon we went to Macolin for a nice walkie and......waaaaaaaaaa..........
Cet après-midi on est allé à Macolin pour la promenade et waaaaaaaaaaaouuuuu...........

I LOVE the snow !!!!!!!!!
As you can see.....we were not expecting this....Comme vous pouvez le constater, nous ne nous y attendions pas ........
16 commentaires:
The snow looks lovely, stay warm and comfy.
gussie and teka
What a big surprise! It´s beautiful and looks like a fun! Enjoy your snow!
Hi, Faya and Dyos!
The white thing came to you by surprise??
I hope you all enjoyed your snowy walkie!
Kisses and hugs
Tu as de la chance, quel chance. La neige, Moi, J'ai joue une fois a la neige. Tu la mange? Tu as une pull speciale pour jouer a la neige.
Sally Ann
Wow - SNOW!!! Cool!!!!!
We got snow a few days ago too, Faya, only it didn't stick to the ground and stay! boooooooohoooooooo
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my must be freezing cold. It looks very windy.
Noah xx
You are so lucky - we have yet to play in powder this year.
Wow you beat us!!!!!! We are close but not yet!! Love and kisses A+A
Faya et Dyos
SNOW!!!!whopeee I love it too, but we don't have it yet. I just wead on Awchie and Agatha's that they had some, so maybe soon it will come hewe too. It's a little eawly, I would still like to enjoy fall fow a while.
I hope youw gwamma is having a lovely time in budapest wif Zsofi's family.I wish We could come see you and then go to Bp too.
I'm sowwy Vewonique is having twouble weading my bloggie..I wote it in white, so that it would show up against my dawk puwple backgwaound,,hmm, is it easiew when it's owange witing?
stay wawm and have some fondue fow me, nommmmm
smoochie kisses
Snow?! En Octobre?! (Did I get that right?) ;P
Wowowow! Glad you like it!
Oh my!! That snow looks like a lot of wet, messy fun! I bet your humans aren't as excited as you are! hehe
Oh! We can TELL you love the snow! How much fun it was to see you in your first snow of the season! Yay!
We wish you could come romp with us here, and us, there!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Ce jour là, j'étais dans une mer à 26 degrés sous un sous le soleil brulant, entourée d'une multitudes de poissons multicolores qui me picotaient les cuisses. Bisous à tous.
Sheesh, thaty's pretty early for the snow, isn't it?? Gosh, it looks like fun..
But your last post said it was still summer?!! That's crazy!!
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