samedi 21 novembre 2009

En route pour le soleil....Looking for the sun....

Nous n'avons pas vu le soleil depuis une semaine et aujourd'hui nous sommes partis le chercher au dessus de la mer de brouillard.......
We did not see the sun for a week and today we left, looking for it above the sea of fog .......
We found it ! On l'a trouvé !
Alors on a fêté ça....we did celebrate with some fun games....
It is realy hard to believe it took us only 10 minutes to find it.....
C'est difficile de croire qu'il suffit de 10 minutes pour le trouver......

9 commentaires:

Sally Ann and Andy a dit…

Vous l'avez trouve.
Sally Ann

Gus a dit…

We are glad you found the sunshine. Gray days have been hard for us to get used to - in Arizona we had so few cloudy days that we celebrated. Here we are learning to complain.


Asta a dit…

I'm so glad you found les soleil, and in such a pawfect place too..lots of woom to play and look at the booty of natoowe
Have a wondewful weekend
smoochie kisses

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Vous terriers à longues pattes sont incroyablement rapides! Parfois, le reste d'entre nous se sentent comme si nous sommes juste un peu trop près du sol.


Sephie, Buster, et Bailey

Duke a dit…

We're so happy that you found the sun and you had a great time once you found it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
Sure it was nice to find the sun!
Sundays are pawesome!
And you you enjoyed a lot yours!
Kisses and hugs

Jake of Florida a dit…

Where was it hiding???? Did you have to whisper magic words to make it appear?

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Hollie and Janie a dit…

Thank heavens you found it! You two look beautiful romping in the fields!!

Inky and Molly a dit…

We love the black & tan in the really looks like Airedale (and Welshie) country...