Before you read
we ask you to help spread this message
as quickly and as fas as you can
so as many dogs and cats and families
as possible
can read it in prior to 5:00 PM, Saturday, 14 Nov 09, Iowa time,
copy it
paste it
Link to it
Just please help us get the message out.
7 commentaires:
Je n'ai pas compris, mais pense savoir qu'il y a de la détresse et du chagrin, intervenu ou à venir.
We're in too, Faya and Dyos!
Stop by our blog when you get a chance! You guys are winners!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We will be listening for you guys to yodel from the mountaintop!
(only teasing, the front porch will be fine.)
We'll be listening for you! Thanks for spreading the word!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Sweet Fay aand Deawest Dyos
We will all be holding paws all ovew the wowld and thinking ouw healing thoughts and sending ouw kisses at the same time ovew the bweeze to Snickews. I know it will help
Thank you fow youw help
smoochie bisous
We did it too!
I hope Snickers get better soon!
Kisses and hugs
mince.... ma mamman ne m'a pas laisse sur l'ordinateur et j'ai completement rate la priere pour snickers! Mais je continue a penser a elle...
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