mardi 29 décembre 2009

We are back !!!!!

Our Véronique feels good again. She had the whooping cough. A children's disease. She sometimes acts like a child ! But now she is fine and we can go again for long walkies in the snow !!!!! Wooohooo !

16 commentaires:

Hollie and Janie a dit…

I am so happy that Veronique is feeling better!! I am so jealous of your snow! It looks like so much fun!

Asta a dit…

I'm so vewy happy to heaw that Vewonique isn't whooping caughing anymowe!
Faya and Dyos , Those womps in the snow look heavenly..I still wish i lived whewe you's sooo bootiful. Have fun fow me in the snow
smoochie kisses

Gus a dit…

We are very glad that Veronique is feeling is tough when the female hoomns get sicky...we don't seem to get quite as much attention around here. We are glad you decided to share your lovely walk in the snow.


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Il ya beaucoup de neige.

Noah xx

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Oh we forgot to say we're very glad to hear Veronique is feeling better. xxxxx

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Sally Ann and Andy a dit…

La belle neige. Tu t'amuse bien, je vous te joind. Svp, puis-je venir?
Sally Ann

Duke a dit…

We're so happy to hear that Veronique is better!
Your snow looks wonderful! All of our melted and we miss it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
That is pawesome news!
Glad to know Veronique is much better now!
You sure enjoyed your snow!
Kisses and hugs

Princess Patches a dit…

We're very glad Veronique is feeling better! Now you can get back to "life as usual"...whatever that is! Happy New Year to all of you!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie a dit…

Oh dear ones! We are so happy that Veronique is well again. Our hoomans often act like children too, so we know what you mean! Have a safe and happy new year.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Taky a dit…

Contente de voir que Véronique va mieux ... les belles ballades recommencent ;o) ... vous gardez un peu de neige pour quand je viens ... ici on n'a pas grand chose ...

Grosses Léchouilles

Nounours a dit…

A vous tous, chers Faya, Dyos et famille, une Excellente Année 2010 ! Je vous souhaite surtout la santé et la joie, mais aussi chance et prospérité, car il en faut aussi, n'est-ce pas ?

Mme Panda et moi espérons que vous avez passé de belles fêtes de fin d'année et pensons fort à vous, même si nous n'avons plus guère le temps de passer vous voir tous les jours sur votre blog, et c'est bien dommage.

Un grand ouaf de Nounours en signe d'amitié. Et encore merci du fond du coeur pour le magnifique calendrier Nounours 2009 qui nous a accompagnés durant toute l'année et que nous avons du ranger à regret... Huhu.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh my...whooping cough....!! They are vacinating for that here now when you get your tetanus shot as whooping cough is becoming much more common...Veronique must have sore ribs from coughing so much...don't jump on her Dyos!!

Please feed her some chicken soup from us, ok???

Kisses to all...gross biscuits!!

Laciegirlie XXOO

Sunshade a dit…

Yippy!! Veronique is all better and you guys can go play in the snow, that's double yippy!!!

I want snow too....hmmmph, no snow in Vancouver, how are we gonna have the Olympics??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

jack a dit…

tant mieux si tout va mieux ! becs guérisseurs valaisan :o) jack et sa maman

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Mon Dieu-- Faya est un Ver de Neige géant de "Dune" !
