jeudi 18 mars 2010

What happened ? Mais que s'est-il passé ?

Tout l'hiver notre forêt était interdite aux promeneurs.....pourquoi ? During the winter our forest was forbidden for the walkers....but why ? Today we went to see what changed .... Aujourd'hui on est allé voir ce qui a changé.....
Huummmm here it looks fine....là ça à l'air ok.....

here also......nothing special to report....là non plus....RAS....

But ..... hiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!! Oh noooooooo trees !!!!!!
Et puis soudain........noooooooooooon mes arbres ! poor trees.....why ?

....mes pauvres arbres....pourquoi ?

.....and what about the poor birds ? Where are they going to sleep ? Et mes petits oiseaux ? Ils vont dormir où ?

ok.....THIS is natural ! CA c'est naturel........

Is it because we had a realy realy cold and long winter ? C'est à cause du long et froid hiver qu'on a eu ?........or for the next one ?????? ou pour le prochain ?????
Oh et en rentrant on a retrouvé des copains ! Oh and we met our friends again !!!!

25 commentaires:

Lacy a dit…

woofs, they does that here too, kill the can understand if they sick, but not just to kill them..

b safe,

Gus a dit…

Harumph....we will send my Unca Steve to help with the trees. He is a silvaculturist (I think that is right) and does forest intervention here.


Duke a dit…

Hopefully this is just forest management and not building development!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta a dit…

I hope they left enuff bootiful twees fow you to play hide and seek and fow biwdies to sitin and fow giving shade when the hot sun comes

I hope you found some gowgeous spwing flowews on youw walk too
smoochie bisous

Sally Ann and Andy a dit…

Dyos, est-ce que tu parle aux couchons? Qu'est - ce qu'ills ont dit?
Sally Ann

erin a dit…

We love walking on paths through trees and it makes us sad to see all those trees cut down. I wonder why they did that?

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
Oh-no! Poor trees!
Do they do that every year??
Kisses and hugs

The Black and Tans. a dit…

It is always sad to see so many trees cut down. Hopefully they will plant some more.

Have a great weekend Faya and Dyos.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Fred a dit…

Poor trees!

Kari in Alaska a dit…

oh no! why did they do that to your poor trees? they were so beautiful

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Nous AIMONS les cochons! Peut-on venir jouer avec eux?

Désolé pour les arbres. Ont-ils des castors géants en Suisse?


Buster, Sephie & Bailey

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie a dit…

We are hoping that the reason the trees were cut down was for forest management.We have a little forest on our land and we had to have it thinned a few years ago.Mommy was crushed, but it was necessary to clear underbrush and prevent a forest fire. We love our big old trees too.
BabyRD & HOotie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie a dit…

Ooops! We didn't mean mommy was crushed by the trees. We meant she was SAD!! BOL! No flat Mommy!!

Agatha and Archie a dit…

ZUT ALORS did you find out why??????? Love A+A

TwoSpecialWires a dit…

We hope that whoever cut down all those trees has a REALLY good explanation that has something to do with the health of the forest and NOT the thickness of the wallet. It makes us sad. We don't much like it. Those piles of trees are much too big. (But just imagine the nooks and crannies to sniff for the time being.)

Crossing our paws all is well.
Jake and Fergs xxoo

Hollie and Janie a dit…

Oh my! What happened to your trees?? I hope you guys did some investigating!

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh dear, what a sad sad sight. Those poor trees don't deserve to be taken down. Very soon, the whole forest will disappear & that's just sad...

Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Life With Dogs a dit…


Morgan in Pittsburgh a dit…

OH NO!!!! They are cutting down trees here too, but it's because they are sick. They are the oak trees, and they have a fungus that will spread to nearby oak trees. We hope they plant something in their place!
your pals, Morgan & Maisie

Sunshade a dit…

You guys had a great walk in the lovely woods. In that video, who's watching who???

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Inky and Molly a dit…

How brutal to cut all those trees down. nothing left to bark up at...

Juno a dit…

Happy belated barkday, Faya!! Gee.. we're sorry.. we're so behind.

We're so sorry for the trees......

Asta a dit…

Map'tit Faya et Dyos

Je t'adowe!!!!
and miss you so much
smoochie kisses

Duke a dit…

Hi Faya and Dyos!
We are thinking of you and missing you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

Prompt reply, attribute of mind :)