NEVER never never again, I will dig a nest of wasps...... It was so scary.....and the they beat me several times (on my nose, near my eyes....)....brrrrr.....and Véronique was screaming....BUT I am fine. Thank you sooooo much for your kind words. Véronique spend the night with me to see if I am developing an allergy but it seems that I am not allergic to those nasty wasps....
15 commentaires:
OMD......Faya what an awful thing to happen to you.
We hope you are soon feeling better and sending lots of pawsative thoughts for you.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh my goodness Faya this is awful. Please leave those nasty waspies alone, they are most unpleasant insects.
Get better very soon.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
OMG, how scary for you, Faya! Those ground wasps are MEAN! We are so happy that you're okay!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Faya...we are so glad you are feeling better, but think it is still wise to stay away from the wasps!
(kissies on your nose if it doesn't hurt too much.)
Oh Faya, the wasps are terrible. Please stay away from them.
Get well soon!
I am happy to know you are ok!
You learnt a lesson in a ugly way!
Please... be away from those wasps!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Thank doG you are okay, Faya! We were very worried!
Penny & Patches
Oh Faya...I woulda shown those stoopid wasps a thing or two...let me at them...Dyos and I will dump smoothies on them...that will do anti wasp smoothies....
We are sooooooo glad you're ok, dear girlie and stay away from those evil things....
Soothing kisses,
Hi Faya,
I heard about the attack of you by thepose wasps. Mommy did a post earlier in the summer about nasyty critters like them.
OH, my name is Mona ans we have some of the same friends. Ia am a wire hair dachshound & I live in Texas. I hope we can be friends. We'll be back soon.
Oh Faya those wasps are just awful. Lucy ate a bee once. That gave her a big fright.
We hope you're ok now.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
That is scary. Plus I know how those stinging bugs can get caught in your beard and then keep stinging and stinging. I am so glad you are OK. Try to be more careful. You dales are just so curious all the time.
we're so glad you are okay, Faya. we were worried about you when we read that on FB. those wasps are terrible mean creatues. we hope they are all gone now and you will never see them again.
My Chew Faya,
I am sooo welieved to heaw that you awe not lewgic to those nasty must have been tewwibully scawy and poow Vewonique was pwobably fwightened to death.
I send you extwa aiweplane's full of healing smoochie kisses fow youw gowgeous nosey..and some fow Dyos and Vewonique too
Ohhhhhhh we just saw this.. and we are sooooo glad you are ok......Love and gentle kisses A+A
On dirait que tu es abandonnée, moi oui, paske je comprends pas l'anglais, bouhouhou....
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