mardi 19 octobre 2010

Goodbye my sweet Snowball. Adieu ma chère Snowball

I miss you already. I hope you are now pain free. I cannot stop crying. Goodbye, I love you.
Adieu ma petite Snowball. J'espère que tu ne souffre plus. Je n'arrive pas à arrêter mes larmes. Je t'aime.

11 commentaires:

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh this is so sad. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge Snowball.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Duke a dit…

We are so sad, Faya. Snowball has been our friend for a long time. We hurt for her jie jie.

Love ya lots

The Airechicks a dit…

Our hearts are broken - jie jie must be very sad...

Snowball is a very sweet girl...


Lorenza a dit…

I am very sad to know about Snowball.
Our thoughts are with Jie Jie and all the family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs a dit…

Snowball was a friend for so many of us pups for a long time. we will miss our furry little friend. we are sad too.


Asta a dit…

Chewe Faya et Dyos

My teaws awe wunning too
she was such a bwight pawt of all ouw lives

smoochie bisous

Princess Patches a dit…

We are very sad too! This has been a terrible year for losing so many peeps and pups!

Penny & Patches

Noah the Airedale a dit…

We too are very sad. Snowy was one of our first friends on blogland.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

TwoSpecialWires a dit…

We're sad, Faya. We know how much Snowball's jiejie is hurting. We wish there was something we could do to help ease a bit of the pain.

Jake and Fergi

Pee esS LOVE LOVE LOVE your new (?) header pic!

TwoSpecialWires a dit…

We know where else we can find you, but we thought we'd leave you this VeryLongComment full of VeryImportantInformation. OK?

OK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.

So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.

Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)

Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)

Duke a dit…

We miss you, Faya and Dyos!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch