Waouw quelle promenade ! Magnifique ! What a walk !! Beautiful !
Là on est sur la crête du Chasseral (1502m). Here we are on Mont Chasseral (1502m).
Il y avait beaucoup de vent.....it was very windy......
yes........Dyos was here also........
Look at those flowers ! The color is amazing !
J'ai cherché les chamois....en vain. I have been looking for chamois.....
and Dyos was looking for marmots......Dyos rêvait de marmottes......
C'est grâce à ça que l'on peut regarder la TV......It is with this that that we can look at the TV ......
Dyos !!!!
Can you see this ? We went to see them after that.......follow me.......
Taaaadaaaaammmmmmmm ! Waaaaa it is big big big !!!!!
We also found a nice place with a great nice pond
....on a eu un orage.....it was rainy......
....et j'ai mis les pattes où il ne fallait pas.......And I put my paws where it was not necessary.....(Véronique was not happy......)
Moi j'aime les grandes promenades ! I like those kind of nice walk !!!!