lundi 11 avril 2011

Helllllllllllp !

Véronique here. I cannot change the look of my blog anymore..... do you have any idea why ?

7 commentaires:

Duke a dit…

Oh no! Our mom is such a dummy when it comes to techy stuff, Faya. Our paws are crossed that someone can help!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae a dit…

Faya, did you just change your blog template to the new one? If you;re using the "new" template, to change the look, click 'Design' on the top right corner of your blog & then click 'Template Designer'.

Hope this helped.

Asta a dit…

Faya and Dyos
Poow Vewonique
Mommi just twies diffewent things till something oosually involves many HBO wowds and wanting to thwow the pootew out, but in the end something wowks...not always what she wants..cuwwently, she is using the new tempate seems to walk you thwough pwetty well. I think Ambew gave good advice
Bonne Chance!!!
smoochie bisous

Lorenza a dit…

We are not good with those things!
But sure Amber gave you a good advice!
I hope it works for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Inky and Molly a dit…

Is it too cold for the snow to melt??


TwoSpecialWires a dit…

You're asking US? We, who have never changed the look of our blog since the first day we created it? Ha!

No matter. It's pictures of YOU that we come for!

Wirey wags and best wishes
Jake and Fergi

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Buster dit pour sélectionner "Design" sur votre tableau de bord. Ensuite, allez à "Template Designer" et sélectionnez un modèle pour votre blog. Il pense qu'ils pourraient avoir interrompu votre ancien modèle.

Bonne chance,

Sephie, Bailey, & Gracie