mardi 28 février 2012

Snow is melting ...

Yeeeeaahhhhh back to muddy paws and beards !!!!!

7 commentaires:

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hee hee we know just what you mean.

The staff seem to get through lots of towels these days.

MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Duke a dit…

Be careful or you'll hear the sound of running bathtub water!

Love ya lots,

The Thuglets a dit…

Oh lovely..nothing better than a face and beard all muckie!

Cora is wondering if you are related to her? She has perfected the art of looking yukie! LOL

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie a dit…

Love your muddy moosh Miss Faya! Lots of love & smooches to you and Dyos (& your mama too!!).
BabyRD & Hootie

The Thuglets a dit…

Oh what a lovely beard!
Simply the best.
Have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

nelly a dit…

Pouafffff, plutôt caca beusier ce petit museau

Emma a dit…

What a hilarious expression... So cute!