lundi 26 novembre 2007

Oups....allo docteur ?

Vous vous souvenez hier je vous parlais de mon nouveau tapis ? Do you remember yesterday I was talking about my new carpet ? Well.... this morning.....heuuuuu ce matin....

Véronique was not happy...Véronique était un peu fâchée...

She hates doing this.... elle déteste la couture...

But she did a great job ! Mais elle a fait du bon travail !!!!


27 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Bah touah alors... T'as pas pu t'empêcher de lui gnaquer le museau hein... Il te faisait pas assez de trufouilles???

Faut que je te raconte... J'ai tout fini de décorer le balcon, mais Louve elle dit elle met pas le courant avant samedi. Tu trouves ça normal touah ??? Mouah je boude...

Anonyme a dit…

Ouffff le tapis est sauf...
T'es quand même mieux couchée dessus plutôt que de le déchiqueter...

Duke a dit…

OHOH! You're as bad as MitchyBoy, Faya! You're lucky Veronique will repair it and give it back to you! Be careful - next time you might lose it for good!

Love ya lots,

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Ooohwaaa, never mind Faya. At least Veronique is clever and can patch it up. It looks as good as new again.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Asta a dit…

I couldn't even tell after Veronique did hew mastewjob on it!
Today I ate the rubbew bottoms of Daddi's slippers(they wewe bwoken anyway and on the way out), but Mommi was upset, and I guess she was wight, cause i've been thwowing up evew since..
now i'm finally done being sick..I'm going to go west
smoochie kisses

Anonyme a dit…

It's loverly! Can she make one for me too? Only me? None for patches. PleasE?

Gus a dit… are so lucky to have a talented mom who can (will) fix things. Muzzer just looks at stuff Teka chews up and sighs. She doesn't repair stuffies any more, cause she doesn't want to get too attached!


Snowball a dit…

Hee... Faya, Veronique did NOSE SURGERY for Mr Pooh Bear? She did a good job ao now you can feel safe to pull on the dur more often cos you got a very good surgeon at home to fix it back when the damage is done... hee... I better run before Veronique read this! :P


Kirby a dit…

He he he Faya, I would have done the same thing. I've nibbled on many rugs, beds, pillows etc... So glad that Veronique was able to repair it (when they can't that's when we get in trouble). Be nice to your cute rug, it's super adorable!

Your pal,

Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, hahahaha, only lasted for a day huh? the carpet looks huge - when u r not on it. but looks small when u r sitting on it!

wet wet licks


Anonyme a dit…

Beau travaille Véronique.Faya, fini la gnakgnaque maintenant, Tu regardes Milou avec les yeux, pas avec les dents,truftrufs et bisous.

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Faya your rug is lovely, we are so pleased that your Mum could mend it for you.
You are a very lucky girl

Molly and Taffy

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Good girl Faya! Make your mum practice sewing!

I have made my mum work for hours sewing patches on the sofa and on my bed. It's because I just stand on things and dig, dig, dig like crazy.


Nounours a dit…

Ah, tu as réussi à dégommer le nez de mon ami Winnie sous forme de douce carpette, et à cause de toi, Véronique a dû sortir son aiguille et ses fils... mais, qu'il est joli ce tapis, je comprends que tu aimes te poser sur les nounours, hein. Huhu.

Anonyme a dit…

Grosses bisous à toi et Véro au passage! ;O)) Le tapis ça ne se mange pas! Ca se fume... ;O) hi hi!

Anonyme a dit…

euh dis tite Faya, y'aurait mon dodo nounours qui aurait besoin d'un petit racommodage... tu penses que Véronique... euh... tu vois quoi... papouilles...

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Me again...

Tell your mum that she's going to love using the 400D. Very exciting! My mum uses a Nikon D70s. She says it's a bit old, but good - just like her. Using a reflex camera makes taking photographs 100% more fun.

We can't wait to see your photos when it arrives!


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Wow she did a great job!! PL2 has given up.She used to try to fix our stuffies but we would rip them again in 1 minute!!!! Love A+A

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

that's a very cute carpet you have there Faya

~ Girl girl

Lenny a dit…

It's as good as nouveau!!

Your friend, Lenny

Anonyme a dit…

J'ai déjà vu ce tapis de laine quelque part...;o)
Bonne soirée. Amicalement
P.S M'enfin Tchelo tu donnes le mauvais exemple...sourire.

Sophie Brador a dit…

Bonjour Faya! Is that a new bed just for you? It's really cool.


Maggie a dit…

TAG, you're it!! Maggie have tagged you...Here's the RulesLink to your tagger and post these rules:List eight ( 8 ) random facts about yourself.Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them ). Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs okay? licks and kisses..-Maggie- is so cool!!!!
ur mommy is so good

Asta a dit…

You have nothing to feaw fwom la pewe
we always so good! Merci pour apporterons les biscomes! MiammMiammm !!! I can't wait
smoochie bisous
ton Asta

Amber-Mae a dit…

Ohhh, hehehe! It's ok, it's only a small hole.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya Girl!

I LOVE your new photo on your header!!

Your carpet was in good hands with Gooberique. I am happy for you that she could repair it. How did that hole in the carpet happen, anyway? Surely YOU didn't have anything to do with it!

Goober love,
Your brother Stanley

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Hehehe, Veronique did a great repair job. That's so cute!