dimanche 30 décembre 2007

J'apprends à voler ! I learn how to fly !

Aujourd'hui j'ai essayé de voler..... Today I tried to fly.....

First attempt
When you see the birds it looks so easy..... Quand on regardes les oiseaux ça a l'air si facile....
Mais en fait non pas tant que ça.... But in fact : no it is not easy....
Dernier essai..... Last attempt.....
Tant pis je suis un chien donc je m'occupe des mes bâtons.....
Well ok I am a dog and I better play with my sticks....

16 commentaires:

Amber-Mae a dit…

You can really FLY!!! Hehehe, you really like that huge stick! Hope you didn't get any splinters stuck to you tongue...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

Au voleur ! tu es dans ma rétrospective...

Anonyme a dit…

Toi tu es sortie à la neige et moi je me suis attaquée à mon puzzle, aie, aie, dur, dur.Patience, c'est ce qui me faudra.Le bois C'est pour moi ? truftrufs et bisous.

Anonyme a dit…

Il est pas un peu trop gros le bout de bois pour toi? Fais attention aux échines! ;O) Et si un jour tu arrives à voler, tu me rediras d'acc?

Au fait, j'ai créé un nouveau blog : http://tchelolife.blogspot.com


Gus a dit…

What a humunguous stick! Be careful not to harm your pretty teethies.


Anonyme a dit…

Heuuuu Faya ... suis pas sûre que tu y arrives un jour ma Belle...
Mais continue à t'entraîner... sait-on jamais ... ;o)
Fait plaisir de te voir sauter, gambader, creuser, ronger...
la belle vie quoi...

Dandy Duke a dit…

Wow! That's a HUGE stick! That would take awhile to destroy! You're so lucky that you still have snow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Wow Faya, you can fly. So clever. You look like you're having so much fun.
Happy New Year.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Kirby a dit…

Those were some great flying attempts! I've tried myself, but I can never do it like the birds do. It was smart of you to go back to your sticks. Us dogs are much better at those anyways.

Your pal,

Stanley a dit…

Faya Sweetie!

Your stick chewing face is very funny! And, hey! Are you catching snowballs when you're trying to fly?

I LOVE the photos!

Goober love & smooches,

Anonyme a dit…

Youpyyyyyyy !!! j'ai trouvé la combine Faya, comme ça je viendrai plus souvent te faire coucou.

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Your flying attempts are pretty good, but your stick chewing is probably easier! Jx

The Black and Tans. a dit…


We are so envious you have all that lovely snow and those huge sticksto play with. You certanly are are having a great time.

Molly and Taffy

Dalmuti a dit…

Moi qui croyais que tu apprenais à voler... une cuisse de poulet, de dinde ou un autre truc qui se mange...

Bonne et heureuse nouvelle année à tous...

Anonyme a dit…

Au voleur ! je t'ai volé une image...

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

You are an AMAZING jumper! And, you sure know how to pick a good stick to work on!

My girl wants to crawl through the computer and give you a big smooch right on top of your sweet head. She (& I) think you are bootiful, whether you are flying or gnawing on wood.

Goober love & smooches,