mardi 25 mars 2008

Vacances jour 1 - Holidays day 1

On avait prévu des travaux au jardin...... oups..... We were hoping to do some gardening....

Maybe tomorrow ?...... It is ok for me because I like snow......

Peut-être demain mais c'est ok pour moi : j'adore la neige !!

19 commentaires:

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

You look really cute with the snow mostache

~ Girl girl

Duke a dit…

We don't think you'll be gardening but maybe you could build a snowman!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Bonjour Faya,
You still have a lot of snow in your garden. I guess the gardening will have to wait.
Can you jump over your fence? Tess likes to climb fences do you?

Hugs and tail wags

Two Schnauzers from New England a dit…

Good morning, Faya -

At least it is morning in Connecticut. Mama remembers what Bonjour means. She also knows that vous is you because she had to conjugate nouns and verbs in French in school.

You look so happy in the snow! Mama says that Bosco (my older sister) loved playing in the snow. We can't tell if you are happier in this picture or in the picture in your previous post.

Love -


Hi, Faya -

Do you want some of our snow in New Hampshire? I'll be glad to send you some!

Love -


Snowball a dit…

LOL Faya, You look so goofy with the snow all over your face. So how did you help out with the gardening?


Anonyme a dit…

Oulaaaa moi aussi ai prévu d'la job... Mais dans la chambre de la Choupiotte... elle a 17 ans samedi et on a décidé de lui refaire sa chambre façon ado... plus de peluche partout hihihi... elle sait rien c'est la surprise... te ferai des photos... elle est loin 4 jours alors hop au boulot... du coup la neige on s'en fiche ça perturbe pas pour les travaux dedans ;o)

Agatha and Archie a dit…


Persephone and Buster a dit…

Un autre printemps pléistocène vient à Bienne! L'amusement ne finira-t-il jamais ?


Sephie et Buster

Kirby a dit…


You are looking darn good with all that snow on your face. Too cute!

Your pal,

Amber-Mae a dit…

Look at all that snow on your muzzle!

Love licks,
Slid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

Tu croyais que je t'avais abandonnée, mais surtout pas !!!tu vois la Nelly était pas dans son état normal.Je me reprends en main et me voilà.T'es contente dans la neige hein !!! C'est ce que j'ai fais hier à 14 h.avec Tsoukette,Véronoque t'expliquera....Truftrufs et bisous.

Harry a dit…

Je veux jouer dans kla neige, c'est pas juste!

Toodle pip
Harry x

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian a dit…

Snow is good! Woooo!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

Chicks with beards rule! And with snow all around your beard, you look even more awesome? Woot!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Thor and Jack a dit…

You´re so cute with the snow in your face! I would love to play in the snow! I think that the gardening will go to wait a little.


i a dit…

You look so cute with all that snow. Guess your gardening has to wait awhile though...

Asta a dit…

Thank you fow witing to me..I am vewy happy to meet sissy Asta says such wondewful things about you, you must be a vewy nice giwl..I think you awe bootiful!!

Faya you look so gweat with all the neige on youw nez, hehehe..not vewy good fow planting les fleures though
have fun!smoochie bisous

erin a dit…

Great photos of your snowy face, Faya! You must do like I do and stick your whole face in the snow. I look the same way when I come in from the snow.

Stanley a dit…

You and I are definitely brother & sister! I too LOVE the snow & the cold. I love sunshine too, but it's best when it's reflecting off of the snow.

You look so fluffy! Is Gooberique going to make you get an airecut soon?

Goober love & smooches,