dimanche 12 octobre 2008

Hello, it me, Dyos...coucou c'est moi, Dyos !

Hello !Today Faya told me I can do my own post because it is an important day for me. I met Nelly, Roro and Tsoukette for the first time ! Aujourd'hui Faya m'a dit que je pouvais bloguer comme un grand parce que c'est un grand jour pour moi. J'ai rencontré Nelly, Roro et Tsoukette pour la toute première fois !

I went with Faya to visit the garden...j'ai été avec Faya visiter le jardin !
A l'heure du repas on a bien rigolé. For the lunch, we had a lot of fun. I discovered the ..spasghe...sasphegi....spathegi...quelque chose comme ça j'ai eu pour dîner....

What is this ? C'est quoi ?
What am I suppose to do with it ? Je fais quoi avec ça ?
Ahhhhhhh oui c'est mieux !
It is much better like this !
And Pascalounet, your cake was fabulous ! Pascalounet ton cake était très bon !
But the very best part of the day was this :
Le meilleur moment de la journée c'était ça :

Someone came inside and said : Dyos is so cute, he is playing in water....they all came to watch me and ....
Quelqu'un est venu dire : Dyos est chou, il joue dans l'eau .... ils sont sortis pour voir.....

Véronique said hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Noooooooo Roro wait ! I only eat one of those....things (dead mices....) !Nooooooon Roro attend, j'en ai mangé qu'une !Oh no !Where are you going ? Tu vas où ?Zut zut zut ..... missed....But Roro gave great hugs....mais Roro fait des tellement bon câlins....And Faya ? She was acting like a clown, as usual ! Et Faya ? Ben comme d'hab, elle faisait le clown !

You know what ? I love my sister ! Vous savez quoi ? J'aime ma soeur !

26 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Dyos, est-ce que tu mange le poisson??? C'est vraiment grand.


Your pal,


Gus a dit…

Dyos: what a great day you have had! Yummy food, lots of friends and adventures! And then some good hugs. You are one lucky dog.

kisses to you and Faya


BenTheRotti a dit…

Hi Dyos,

You look like you had a great day, how sweet of Faya to let you have todays post.
What was that in the water???

love, licks and tailwags to you and sweet Faya,

Ben xxxx

erin a dit…

What did you eat in the water? I can't see what it was. I hope you don't get sick. I have a sensitive tummy so if I eat anything weird, I usually get sick.

the many Bs a dit…

hi Dyos and Faya, how fun it is to see Dyos posting. you look like you were having a great day today - eating spaghetti and playing in the water. you had some new human friends too, we see.


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Dyos!
Thanks for sharing your great day! Sure it was nice to meet friends and had delicious food!
Kisses and hugs

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Dyos! Good times, you handsome little guy... I LOVED the photo of you inside Miss Faya's tail!!!


Anonyme a dit…

Ben, pour une première Dyos, c'est réussi.Tu as passé de bras en bras, quand mon tour est venu, t'en avais plein les ptites papates, RRRRRRRRR que tu m'as fait et j'ai senti comme des petits crocs sur ma main.Trufs et trufs et bisous aux zumains avec qui les zigomatiques n'ont pas chômé.

Boo Casanova a dit…

that was fun. dyos, you said you ate a dead mice?? really??

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Hello Dyos, you sure are cute and what a fun day you had. I hope you'll post more

~ Girl girl

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…


I'm so sorry to not have gotten to you sooner. The human took a sudden leave of absense to soley adore me and only me. I don't have fingers of my own.

I tried to write you, but I couldn't! I guess I need to work on my toenails and typing abilities!

How have you been! Dyos is looking much bigger! I bet you are just the best big sister ever! Have you taught him the right way to grow a nose?

As for the prize for the Kong contest, you said that I message Amber Mae, is that right!

Slurpity slurp slurp to you and Dyos FAYA!!!!

Mmmmmm Faya nose...

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Putter a dit…

OMG! Faya!

YOUR BROTHER is so CUTE! I love him! Did you know that MY MOM growed up with an AIREGIRL like ME and YOU and a welshie too! OMG!


Putter ...:)

Stanislaw a dit…

That was one mouse-filled adventure! Those noodles looked so tasty!

Ruby Bleu a dit…

Hi Faya...
What fun you had Dyos!!! Did you like your noodles?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

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Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

I thought you had your head stuck in the banister first hahahah.You look great at fishing and fighting with your sister you are a very kind sister.
Wow that cake looks yummy
Otto wants to say a big hello to dyos.

ludo the cool dude.

Dandy Duke a dit…

We just love that first picture of you, Dyos! Like Ludo and Otto, we thought your head was stuck!
What an exciting day for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Quelle belle journée! Un dîner de spaghetti et de mort des souris - à notre avis, c'est la quintessence de l'expérience terrier!

La vie est vraiment belle.


Persephone, Buster, et Bailey

Kirby a dit…

Hi Dyos! I'm so happy to meet you!! What a wonderful day you had. And best of all, you had spaghetti! MMMMmmmmmm!!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

Jolie journée... et bonne pêche ;-))))))))

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Stopping by to say hello to all my DWB friends after the weekend. Hope you are all well.

Simba x

Princess Patches a dit…

Did you figure out what to do with the spaghetti, Dyos? It doesn't taste like much without some sauce. We hope you didn't really eat any of the dead mices! They are nasty! Faya is such a good sister!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Georgeous a dit…

Ah Dyos, I am so glad you love Faya so much, she is a very special young lady. You know, I'll let you into a secret, Faya and me ate spaghetti in Venice.
Nice to see your blogging little fella!

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Hi Dyos!

Wow, you sure had loads of fun with all that food, friends, adventures and hugs (especially the hugs)! Love the photo of you with Roro...you both look SOO happy and contented there!


Asta a dit…

That was a faboolous Day, such adventoowes..you awe sooo lucky to have such gweat fwiends and the best sissie evew!
smoochie kisses