mardi 30 octobre 2007

3 x 10 minutes.....

C'est tout ce à quoi j'aurai droit en promenades par jour pendant 10 jours....même pas de sorties au toujours en laisse...

This is all I will have for my walkies during 10 days....and no gardening....and always on leash....

J'ai été chez le véto : luxation de la hanche..... J'ai eu droit à une piqure et des médicaments pour 10 jours

I went to the vet : luxation of the hip...... I also had an injection and now I have meds for 10 days..

20 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ma pauvre! Gros bisous réparateurs et je pense bien fort à toi! Bonne nuit!

Anonyme a dit…

Je voulais voir avant de me coucher. Ma pôve Faya.J'espère que tu ne souffre pas trop.Je te fais un tout doux calin sur ton mal.Truts et bisous.

Duke a dit…

Gee, Faya! I sure hope the shot and the meds will help you out! This doesn't sound so great! Does it hurt?

Love ya lots,

Snowball a dit…

oh...poor Faya. Hope that you feel better soon.


Ruby Bleu a dit…

Oh Faya...
I hope you feel better soon. I hope you are not hurting too much!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Kirby a dit…

Oh my Faya,

I hope you feel better soon. It's only for 10 days. Then back to your normal walkies!! I hope you get to tke the meds with some treats, I like mine with peanut butter! Yummy!

Your pal,

Gus a dit…

Oh Faya...I am so sorry you are having hip problems! I hope you didn't hurt it when we were dancing.


Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, i'm so sorry! after my mom fell from the stairs, i should put her on leash and not let her move around. LOL

wet wet licks


Lacy a dit…

woofies Faya, me sorry u not feels good, me hopes u get better soon...

b safe,

Anonyme a dit…

Hooooooo ma pôôôôve Faya chérie... 10 jours sans promenade dans ta forêt ??? Va vraiment falloir que je t'apprenne à siester 25 heures par jour... Je pense fort fort à toi pis je te fais des tas de léchouilles pis j'espère que tu pourras quand même venir la semaine prochaine pour que je puisse m'occuper de touah :-)))

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh Faya,

Get better soon, hope you are not in too much discomfort.

Molly and Taffy

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Oh no Faya, we hope it's not serious. Hopefully the medication will help and you'll be as good as new. Take care.

Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Harry a dit…

Oh little Faya, poor hip! It is better to listen to the vet, then you will be strong again.

Harry xxx

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Poor Faya! That must have really hurt. How did you manage to dislocate your hip? Was it all that crazy dancing?
I can't imagine how Véronique will keep you calm and resting for 10 days. This is going to be so difficult.

Get well soon, dancing queen.

big hugs

Anonyme a dit…

pov tite Faya... je t'envoie plein grosses papouilles...

Cannelle a dit…

Oh ma Faya, je pense fort à toi, mais dorénavent évite de faire la fête car cela te réussis pas... Papouilles

Laurence: Bisous ma belle et soigne toi bien

Asta a dit…

Ma pauvre 'tit Faya!!
Je suis desole !
I will cwoss my paws that you don't huwt and that youw medicin wowks..I saw Bogawt's post..I hate all this pain and loss
smoochi healing bisous!!!
rest and get lots of love

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh dear poor Faya....I hope you feel better.Relax and watch TV..Love A+A

Taky a dit…

Oh ... pôvre petite Faya ...

c'est pas cool ce qui d'arrive ...

Ouh ... est-ce que tu crois que Véro te laissera encore aller danser dans des party après ça ???

En attendant je te fais de grosses léchouilles

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

I hope you are not in pain! That is a big bummer that you can't run and jump and go for your long walks. But, hopefully, after you take all your meds, you'll be back to your old self.

Goober love & healing goober smooches,