dimanche 4 novembre 2007

...... je m'ennuie......I am bored......

Le temps passe lentement quand on ose rien faire..... c'est terrible. Time goes slowly when you cannot do anything......

Nothing to do..... Rien à faire.....

...... toujours rien à faire...... still nothing to do.....

Oh yes.... yesterday we went to visit Morat....and it was very nice. Ah si ! Hier on est allé visiter Morat et c'était magnifique....

Sinon, ma hanche va un peu mieux. Oh and I feel a little bit better. My hip doesn't hurt so much anymore.... Thank you for all your nices messages. Merci pour vos merveilleux messages.

15 commentaires:

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh, luckily you had something great to do yesterday...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

Courage tite Faya plus tu restes sage et tranquille, mieux tu pourras gambader dans quelques jours... je pense bien à toi... papouilles...

Harry a dit…

Poor little Faya. I am lucky. I like to sleep, sleep, sleep! But I am an old man!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Boo Casanova a dit…

BOOTIFUL faya! i am bored here too. mom and dad went out early, like 5am early, this morning and didn't come back until 12.30pm! i'm on strike!

wet wet licks


Anonyme a dit…

On t'attends pendant la semaine,alors repose toi bien.Tu me dis quel jour que je puisse faire des bonnes choses.Bon dimanche et à +.

Snowball a dit…

Get well soon, Faya.

Luv & Kisses


Duke a dit…

Bummer, Faya! I'm sure if you take it easy, it'll pay off in the long run! I hope your hip is 100% real soon!

Love ya lots,

Asta a dit…

Sweet 'titFaya,
I'm sowwy you can't go wun awound,but it's good to heaw youw hip doesn't huwt as much anymowe..reste bien! I feel much bettew today ,thank you!
get lots of booty sleep..you'll be bettew befoweyou know it and then you can wun and play!
smoochie bisous

Gus a dit…

Faya...even if today is boring, you have that lovely view in your head to remember. Sweet dreams.


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Bordem is a terrible thing isn't it Faya.
We're so glad you're hip is a better. Our paws are crossed that it will soon be 100%.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Morat semble beau! Pouvons-nous venir, aussi?

Vive l'ennui,

Persephone et Buster

Kirby a dit…

Hi Faya,

I'm sorry you are so bored, I understand. It gets so boring around here sometimes. The picture of Morat is lovely! I hope you had a good time there. I'm so glad your hip is feeling better. Soon you will be 100%! Keep healing!!

Your pal,

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

I hope you get better soon. It must be so hard to sit around doing nothing. I think I would go crazy and end up chewing the wallpaper or something.

How beautiful it is in your country!

big hug

ghis a dit…

ma petite Faya je suis désolée de ce qui t'es arrivée et en plus lorsque Véro et Yves étaient partis en France pour l'anniversaire de Pierre. Comme ils ont dû culpabiliser de t'avoir laisser mais j'espère tt de même qu'ils ne regrettent pas leur virée à Metz. Je suis certaine que tu vas vite te rétablir car tu reste bien sage .caresses Ghis

Stanley a dit…

Faya Girl!

Be sure to do exactly what the vet said! I know how hard it is for you to stay still, but catch up on some rest, or on your letter writing! You write such sweet notes!

Who are you sticking your tongue out at in that last photo of you? You look kinda funny, girl.

Goober love,