dimanche 9 novembre 2008

D....like "Destructor"

We had to choose a name with "D"...why Dyos ? "Destructor" would have been the perfect name for him.... On a dû lui choisir un nom avec "D"...pourquoi Dyos alors que Destructor lui aurait été comme un gant ?

D'abord le filet de la voiture...joli travail non ? First, the net (barrier) in the car...nice job !
...and Véronique's socks...(ok he is very courageous or unconscious)...et les chaussettes de Véronique (bon là il est courageux ou inconscient...)...
Non non non là j'essaie seulement de le gronder....No no no, here I am only trying to educate him ....

21 commentaires:

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hello Faya

I really do sympathise with you.

May I add a few more "D's" to your list. Key points you need to know to guarantee your survival.........

D Determined....(very)
D Defend........ (will do)
D Delinquent (on occasions)
D Demon........(quite often)
D Dirty (when finding mud)
D Dominant ( certainly tries)

Hope this helps.

Love Molly xx

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
I can see Dyos is having fun destroying things!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball a dit…

I think Molly has some really pawsome advice for you.

I hope Dyos learn his lessons from you.



Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Those photos made us laugh out loud!!! Memories of puppyhood :)


Gus a dit…


Yup. I always thought Teka should be named Terrible Terminator. Just keep on trying to show him the right way to do things. Maybe in 5 or 6 years, muzzer says.


the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, we know how it is when your puppy wants to chew on everything. it's hard not to join in! we think socks are the best!


Georgeous a dit…

I love socks too, they smell of my people. Sophie seems to have observed the respect not to chew holes in them. Pooky tied 2 of Edwoods together that had holes in them to make a tugger and it is on my favourite toy list.
Love and kissies

Kirby a dit…

Hi Faya,

Dyos sure is a puppy still. I (still) love to eat socks too!! Hopefully he'll be less destructive as he grows up. You'll just have to be patient. He he!

Your pal,

Boo Casanova a dit…

oh dyos is very brave to steal socks from veronique. ok, i steal socks from my daddy too but i don't put holes in it. the most i can do is "nibbles" it.

wet wet licks


Anonyme a dit…

Il a l'air de rien ce petit museau...Heureusement que ce n'est pas les miennes de chausettes, je crois bien qu'il dormirait encore. Truf et truf+ bisous.

i a dit…

Dyos will grow up soon :-) Aah...how nice it is to be a puppy hehehe...

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh.... I hope veronique dont mind about the sock

~ Girl girl

Juno a dit…


Ohhhh.. we love chewing socks! :P While chewing it, I Momo would educate Pinot. hehehe..

Momo & Pinot

Dandy Duke a dit…

Oh my! That sock doesn't stand a chance! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Dyos --

Tu es bien le Maître de la Destruction!

As-tu essayé de téléphones portables encore? Ils sont nos préférés!

Chaussettes sont très bien, mais ils sont vraiment pour sissies.


Persephone et Buster

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Faya...that Dyos was a crazy dog in London...I lost a pound and a half chasing him all over England. He and Duffy never slept the entire weekend. Oh my!

He is losing his puppy look, Faya! That Big Dog haircut! Losing teeth! AND PEEING LIKE A BOY! The first time Babystan tried it he fell over in a thorn bush. That must have hurt!

Hey...we're having a POKER PAWTY ALL WEEK AT OUR HOUSE. Bring Dyos...Asta can watch him!

Love ya lots,

BrandytheGreat a dit…

Wow, we agree it is suitable!

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Dropping by all the blogs to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Princess Patches a dit…

Ah...socks are the best! I, Patches still love to steal them every chance I get. I would chew holes in them, but I always get caught before I get the chance!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae a dit…

You two are such fun pups!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Ha Ha Destructo!!! WE are all caught up on all of your posts and would like to request more videa..YOU SHOULD HAVE HEARD PL2!! All she kept saying was oooh ahhhh soooooo cute........ We hope your brother got some money from the tooth fairy(do you have them in Switzerland??when you lose a tooth you put it under your pillow and she leaves you money..or maybe in his case a cookie!!) Love and kisses A+A