mercredi 12 novembre 2008

Stupid cat !....Chat stupide !

First, you all have to know : IT WAS NOT MY FAULT !!!!!!!! Héééé c'est pas ma faute !!!!!!C'est ce stupide chat ! Quelle idée de passer DERRIèRE Véronique ! It is this stupid cat.... he was right BEHIND Véronique....The good news is that she has to stay home with us ! La bonne nouvelle c'est qu'elle doit rester à la maison avec nous.....She told me that she still loves me.....I hope it is true...Elle a dit qu'elle m'aime quand même, j'espère que c'est vrai....j'ai honte...shame on me....And Dyos ? He told me something about poker. All I know is that he is very proud because he can wear Asta's collar..... Dyos ? Il m'a parlé de poker. Mais je sais qu'il est fière de pouvoir enfin porter le collier d'Asta....

15 commentaires:

Maggie a dit…

I hope your mom gets well soon...
well its not your fault right...
stupid cat!!!

Anonyme a dit…

mdr à cause d'un chat ???
ai déjà lu ça kèkpart ;o)
Mais mais mais quand même, mettre la faute sur le chat...
Soigne toi Véronique... les doigts c'est précieux...

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh, your poor mama's fingers. I'm sure it wasn't your fault. That bite was meant for the cat I'm sure. Hope she has forgiven ya.

Not feeling well,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus a dit…

Faya: I am sure Veronique understands...she loves you so much she even puts up with Dyos! If you need a place to hide, we have an extra bed you can fit under.


Georgeous a dit…

Stoopid Cats! Did you chase one Faya......hope you got it after it hurt your poor Veronique.
Love n Kissies

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh dear poor Veronique. We hope she is not in too much pain.

It is lovely she gets to stay with you during the day but not a very nice way to go about it!

Molly and Taffy xx

BrandytheGreat a dit…

EEK. Poor you. And poor hooman too. LEts hope she can still type for you!

Anonyme a dit…

Ben bon rétablissement ma grande et papouilles aux deux "gentils monstres"... lol.... La Nounou

Harry a dit…

Whoops! At least she didn't break her nails though!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Anonyme a dit…

Mon Dieu! Quelle chat stupide!!!! Faya, tu Maman t'aime beaucoup. C'est sure ca!
Gros bisous Josh et Jess

Asta a dit…

But of couwse it wans't youw fault..I send healung smoochies to Vewonique..even though she has a huwtie hand , hew nails suwe awe bootiful..
Dyos I'm so glad you can weaw my suits you!! and is loaded wif kissies..
Faya, don't wowwy, I'm looking out fow Dyos at the pokewpawty
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke a dit…

What a mean kitty, Faya! Imagine him trying to blame you! We think you should step on his tail!
Are you sure that Dyos should go play poker at Scruffy's place? He's going to grow up awfully fast!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eduardo a dit…

Oh No! Get well soon Faya's & Dyos' Mommy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Snowball a dit…

Poor Veronique. I hope she get better soon. Accidents do happen from time to time so I am sure Veronique will love you any less. Afterall you are just trying to protect "YOUR" property against intruders. hee...


Anonyme a dit…

En regardant ton dessin de près et à la loupe, c'est vrai que,l'année prochaine tu pourrais t'inscrire à INCROYABLE TALENT, les Picasso, Monet et autre, sont de pâle copie à côté de toi.Continue Véronique n'oublie pas que ton blog fait le tour du monde.