Wooohooooooo ! Quelle joie ! Notre nouveau carrosse est avancé ! Our new car arrived !First I had to check if I will have place enough. D'abord voir si j'aurai assez de place.......even Dyos has enough place. Même Dyos à de la place !Le coffre de toît va disparaître dès que l'on saura comment faire...
The trunk on the roof will disappear as soon as we will know how to do this...Merci Papa Noël.....thank you Santa Claus !
17 commentaires:
How cool ! A nice new Terriermobile !! :D
Woof! Thats a super cool car! Santa is very generous to you.
P.S: See you in the chat room.
OOOOh...lovely! The trunk on the top will be very handy. Muzzer says by the time she gets the dog stuff into the Gussiemobile, there is not room for her!
She is joking, but not by much
Wow! Your new mobile is really NICE!!!
Have a wonderful Happy New Year!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That is a really nice set of wheels. Obviously just for both of you. Awesome!!
Happy New Year.
Molly and Taffy
Wow! What a great present from Papa Noel :) Hope you don't get car sick and enjoy the first ride.
Josh and Jess
You must have been VERY good to get a new Terriermobile! You and Dyos fit inside just fine, Faya!
Yer friend,
Mitch, who is missing Maggie LOTS!
Hi Faya and Dyos,
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Faya Et Dyos!
What a belle cawosse!!!
Pawfect wif the two of you in it!
Obviously you wewe vewy vewy good
Bonne Annee mes amies!
smoochie bisous
What a great car with lots of space for the two of you. I can not wait til my mom gets a new car....
Hi, Faya and Dyos!
Your terriermobile is pawesome!
enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
Très beau carrosse pour beaux chiens. Et je pense que tout le monde est content. Hé, oui, la Nelly est déjà levée depuis o5h00. Chaton va très mal et la Louve est en ce moment chez le véto.Déjà hier elle a été en urgence. Elle va revenir tout à l'heure ici, Dieu sait dans quel état.Je vous fais des bisous et je vous tiens au courant.
Faya & Dyos!
Tell Gooberique and the man that they must have been very good to get such a great present from Santa Paws. And of course, Santa Paws knew there would have to be enough room for you AND your little brother.
They should paint "TerrierMobile" on the side!
Goober love & smooches,
NICE terriermobile!!
Wait till Dyos gets big, hhehe the you'll have to kick him out! HAppy NEw Year!
Wow we love your new car Faya. You and Dyos look very comfortable inside. We have a pod on our roof too.
We hope you all have a wonderful 2009. Happy New Year Pals!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
Vous avez vu ça Faya et Dyos ces montagnes de neige. Que de ptites boules qui vont s'accrocher. Vous allez être rigolo, Glingling, et toi Dyos on te vois encore, je pense que tu en as jusque là ??Bisous, bisous et encore bonne année et tout plein de promenade ensemble. Demain , je vous présenterais un nouveau pote qui a passé nouvel-an avec nous et qui reste jusqù'à samedi pendant que ses maîtres font du Ski. Il s'appelle Douma Maitre (hé oui) et il habite au village.C'est un beaded collie de 8 mois très rigolo. Bisouuuuuuuuuus.
WOW that is a cool car! And you have so many windows!! Do you think you will get to drive it?? Love and kisses and happy new year! A+A
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