jeudi 1 janvier 2009

31.12.2008 - 01.01.2009 : Snow and more snow !

Voici ce que l'on a fait le 31 décembre 2008. This is how we spend the last day of 2008 :
Ca :and this :and this :
et ça :
And this is the view I had from my windows this morning 1.1.2009 :
Et ça c'est la vue de mes fenêtres, ce matin, 1.1.2009 :
Et voici ce que l'on a fait le premier jour de 2009. And this is what I have done today, 1st day of 2009 :
Look my poor little friend Diva in the snow....regardez ma pauvre petite copine Diva dans la neige : And some "view of the day" quelques vues du jour !

21 commentaires:

AB clan a dit…

Bonne et heureuse année !
Que de neige!!!
Chez nous c'est froid et gris....
ViVi & AB

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Faya and Dyos,

That looks SO beautiful!!! I love that you put your whole head into the snow like I do!!!!

I hope you have a very happy and healthy 2009!

Happy New Yaire!!!


Eduardo a dit…

Beautiful veiws! What fun you had! Happy New Year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Mason Dixie a dit…

What beautiful pictures, I miss the snow, we have some but very little. Happy New Year

Anonyme a dit…

Oh wow! Look at all that snow. It's so beautiful, all in white. Poor little Diva, she was up to her shoulders in snow :) :)

Gus a dit…

oh my - what a lovely start for your year! We are still hoping for snow, maybe in February?


Agatha and Archie a dit…

WE DID THE SAME THING!!! But it is sooooo cold we can not stay outdide too long!! What lovely pictures!!! Love and kisses A+A

Duke a dit…

We got snow too, Faya and Dyos! It's so much fun to play in!
Happy New Year! We hope 2009 is a wonderful year for all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
That is the best way to finish a year and to start a new one!
Pawesome view you have there!
Kisses and hugs

Anonyme a dit…

You live in a very beautiful place. Looking at the pictures is just like looking at Christmas cards. How I wish I have the same scenery here too.


Thor and Jack a dit…

Faya and Dyos
You have beautiful views there!



Noah the Airedale a dit…

My goodness it's like a wonderland Faya. C'est tres jollie.

What a way to bring in the new year.

Noah xx
ps. come to my blog

Anonyme a dit…

Oui d'accord y a les chiens qui s'en sont donnés à coeur joie. Mais pour une fois, je voudrais dire à la photographe, merci pour les nos n'oeils....les photos sont aie, aie, aie, tellement belles, on les regarde comme un bon dessert, donc un supplément.Bisous et bonne journée.

Stanley a dit…

Hey, Faya & Dyos!

We LOVE all that snow, and I was pretending I was right there burying my head in it with you, Faya!

We hope everyone at your house has a GREAT 2009!

Goober love & new year's smooches,

Bae Bae a dit…

Woh. looks like you doggies had a pawsome xmas. Hope you have a good 2009

~ Bae

Anonyme a dit…

bonne année mes camarades poilus !
me réjouis de suivre vos aventures en 2009 et maman quant à elle d'apprécier les magnifiques photos de véronique! becs Jack & Cie

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Happy New Year Faya and Dyos. You certainly started the New Year with loads of fun.

Molly and Taffy.

The Musketeers a dit…

aww ~ you two sure have lots of fun !! Happy New Year !!

Anonyme a dit…

OMG!!! So much snow!!! I love the snow!!! Please wish some on us! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! You got a great start by the looks of the weather!!!

Love, Herc

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya & Dyos, we think we want to come and live with you. it is so beautiful there and you have so much wonderful snow. we feel a little sorry for Diva though. she isn't tall enough to get through the snow properly. poor kiddo.

congratulations on your new terrier-mobile. it looks like you will be very comfy riding around in it.

we hope you have a great 2009!


Princess Patches a dit…

Can we come and live with you too? Switzerland is such a beautiful place! We never get any snow...just ugly, wet rain! It looks like you and Dyos are having lots of fun in the snow.

Happy New Year!

Poppy, Penny & Patches