samedi 28 février 2009

Sorry ..... we have been very busy....très très occupés...

Waouw the week is semaine est déjà passée...We have been so busy.....on a été tellement occupé....
Véronique has been back to work and since Tuesday it is Carnaval and she has been taking a lot of pictures of Auntie Pascale and her friends....Véronique a repris le travail et depuis mardi c'est Carnaval et elle a pris beaucoup de photos de Tata Pascale et ses amis.....

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Donc le matin elle travaille, l'après-midi c'est la promenade, le ménage et la cuisine et le soir elle part faire des photos.....pas le temps d'aller promener en plus sur les blogs....
The morning she works, the afternoon it is walkies time and after she does the household and the kitchen and the evening she leaves for Carnaval ..... no time for visiting all our friends's blog...
But we will be back soon....mais on va bientôt revenir ! Bisous, kisses.....
Oh....look what we have in the garden.....
Z'avez vu ce qu'on a dans le jardin ?

14 commentaires:

Gus a dit…

OHOHOh..we want to come for Carneval next year. Maybe me and Sweet Willy Um can visit. Still, it looks cold. We would need to borrow those furry suits the people are wearing. Bone Jure


BenTheRotti a dit…

The carneval looks like fun! I can't believe how much Dyos has grown!!!

Are those snowdrops? they look beautiful.

Hope you are having an awesome weekend,

Ben xxxx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit… have crocuses in ur garden!! We won't see those for a while least several weeks!

So Veronique liked the Lakeland post...and you think Welshie's are crazy??!! Lakies are worse!

That Dyos sure looks grown up...when is his first birthday??? We'll have to have a pawty for him!!!

Love ya lots, Scruffman

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Ooohhh you have crocuses!! We would like to go to Carnival..We like the little shildrens hats and the traveling bed.....What fun! Love and kisses A+A

Thor and Jack a dit…

Looks like they had lots of fun at the Carnaval! Cool pictures! The hooman puppies looks so cute!
Hope you are having a great weekend!


Lorenza a dit…

As long as you have fun don't worry about blogging!
Kisses and hugs

Mason Dixie a dit…

No worries, it looks like they are having loads of fun. Have a great week. =)

Asta a dit…

That is a pawfect weason fow not looks like a lot of fun!!!

I wish I could be thewe too celebwating, and then smelling the lovely snow dwops in youw gawden
smoochie Bisous

Anonyme a dit…

J'avais compris qu' y avait du spécial.Le pricipal à voir tout va bien.Bisous et bon ....carnaval.

The Musketeers a dit…

Looks like FUN !

Duke a dit…

Your carnival looks like so much fun!
Mom is smiling to see your Snowdrops! She can't wait for ours to bloom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya & Dyos, that Carnaval looks pretty fun. those humans are dressed in all kinds of strange clothings.


Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

The carnival looks very awesome, Faya! Wish I could be there as well...=) Your flowers look SOOO pretty! Mom says she wants to take some home...haha! Hope you have a great week!


Bae Bae a dit…

That's lots of photo and you and Dyos have so much fun

~ Bae