mercredi 11 février 2009

Terriers for sell.....terriers à vendre !

I am in trouble (Dyos also...) suis dans la mouise (et Dyos aussi...)...BIG trouble.....dans la panade..... How big ? .....big like this :
....grand comme ça le problème....Véronique said she wants to sell us.....she cannot clean the house with her crutches (but she did clean the house...)....she said we are not nice with her.....she said we are monsters (in fact she use a lot of other names but we cannot put them on a blog...).

Véronique a dit qu'elle voulait nous vendre.....qu'elle pouvait pas nettoyer avec ses béquilles, qu'on était pas sympa avec elle (elle a quand même nettoyé....) a dit qu'on était des monstres (bon elle a utilisé plein d'autres mots mais je peux pas les mettre sur un blog...)...
Si quelqu'un cherche une soeur ET un frère merci de me contacter....

If someone is looking for a sister AND a brother, please contact me....

21 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Et ben, je m'absente 1 journée et voilà, castrââââstrophe.A la chaîne, allez hop,non mais,c'est pas du boulot. Punitions, pas de télé, pas de jeux vidéos,privé pendant 5 min. de carresses, non disons 6....Moi , je les acheteraient bien, le problème c'est que je n'aurais même pas le temps de m'y attacher, ta voiture étant équipée d'une marche arrière.Gros bisous Véronique et vous les 2 canailles, attention la chaîne vous guette,

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Awesome hole!

Faya and Dyos, if you could make your way to Eurotunnel, catch the train and we will meet you this end. OK? Just let us know when you are arriving.

Molly and Taffy

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Faya & Dyos
Your washing machine is just like ours...exactly lol.

I Noah am in trouble too. I dug up a big patch of grass in the back yard and now it looks like dirt.

Noah xx

Duke a dit…

We think you guys need a vacation! We're having a huge pawty at our house this weekend and you'd have a great time! Please say you'll come!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball a dit…

Faya, you and Dyos are welcome to come stay with us but out weather here is much much warmer than what you have in Swiss and I am sure you will miss the snow.


Gus a dit…

Faya and can come stay with us in Mayemphis. Call RubyAire to see if she can pick you up, and let us know when you will be arriving. Muzzer says you can go back when Veronique relents and stops calling you bad names.


Unknown a dit…

Veronique! You're blaming the wrong doggies! Faya and Dyos were here in New York with me, protesting the unfairness of Westminster and helping to contribute to the big pee (see today's post.)

Must have been somebody else - those two are innocent!

Your pal,


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Archie is making reservations as we type......Swiss Air, tonight, 8:30pm .We will pick you up at the airport.......we would like to say that that was quite a fabulous hole and that we are SURE that the two of you would NEVER track dirt into the house NEVER..Love A+A DO you think you need a lawyer?

the many Bs a dit…

oh you poor kiddos. Veronique must be quite angry with you, but you are just doing what you do. we think she'll get over it and forgive you. if she doesn't, you can come and live with us. we have a lot of dirt for digging and you don't even have to go through the snow.


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Its such a nice hole too.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Anonyme a dit…

It's a very long flight to New Zealand so maybe you'd better apologise to Veronique so you're allowed to stay? :) If not, we'll come and collect you at Auckland airport, okay?

Asta a dit…

Faya and Dyos..I think you'd bettew apologize to have to be much nicew especially when she is not well..She loves you so much...
I'm suwe she doesn't want you to leave..just behave!
smoochie bisous

Asta a dit…

Faya and Dyos..I think you'd bettew apologize to have to be much nicew especially when she is not well..She loves you so much...
I'm suwe she doesn't want you to leave..just behave!
smoochie bisous

Mason Dixie a dit…

Awe, I would love to have a brother and a sister! but alas no room here in our little abode. =)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Faya...Babystan here...

Tell Veronique that that hole was obviously dug by SCRUFFY AND LACIE...cuz the two of them dug three holes just like them today and dug two yesterday.

We've been getting like 3 rinse offs per day in the shower...and Mumsie is doing tons of laundry.

Mumsie said instead of givin' you two to us that she and Veronique should just go to some island and take a vacation. Away from terrier mud dragged in by stubborn terriers.

I never dig...too much effort.

If you can get Veronique to take a vacation with Mumsie, you and Dyos can come and visit here and we can have a hooooooooge digging pawty.

Let us know!

Airekisses, and those Gross Biscuits....(Lacie said it's gors bisous....!!)


Bae Bae a dit…

Oh no.. I'm sure Veronique is not serious about selling you 2..

~ Bae

Stanley a dit…

Faya & Dyos!

No WAY is Gooberique going to get rid of you two. I don't care WHAT you did. My girl says things like that too when we're extra crazy or extra dirty or naughty! She's never done it yet.

But, if you need to get away, you are ALWAYS welcome in GooberStan!

Goober love,

Hollie and Janie a dit…

Oh! No!
Faya, you and Dyos are certainly in a lot of trouble!! I bet your mom will forgive you very soon!! Just give her that sweet 'dale face and all will be forgiven!

Nounours a dit…

Je n'ai pas vraiment compris ce que vous avez bien pu faire comme sottise, mais j'espère que Véronique n'a pas eu la vie trop dure, car se baisser quand on a des béquilles, je suppose que vous ne savez pas ce que cela signifie, hein, petits garnements ! Huhu.

Bon courage à Véronique encore une fois, et pour info, le facteur doit passer chez vous demain... j'espère que vous ne vous goinfrerez pas trop quand même, huhu.

Jake of Florida a dit…

We get "sold" regularly too. Most often it's because we can't stop barking for no good reason. Hang in there -- you two are so lovable, she'll change her mind!


Jake and Just Harry

Taky a dit…

Ooops ... c'est pas joli joli tout ça !!!

La Pat comprend que Véro était fachée ...

Moi ... euh ... dommage que je n'étais pas là ;o) ... je suis sûr qu'à 3 terriers on aurait fait encore mieux ...